CODE:                                  SUBJECT:
Equation Number Codes
A Fluid Characteristics
Aa              What is a fluid?
Ab Fluid properties
Aba Pressure
Abb Density
Abc Compressibility
Abd Viscosity
Ck Surface Tension
Cn Contact Angle
Ac Thermodynamics
Aca Thermodynamic Variables
Acb Thermodynamic Systems and Processes
Acc Thermodynamic Laws
Acd Perfect Gas
Ace Saturated Vapor/Liquid Properties
C Fluid Statics
Ca Pressure
Cb Fluid statics
Cc Oceans at rest
Cd Manometers
Ce Atmospheres
Cf Fluid static forces
Cg Archimedes Principle
Ch Stability of a submerged body
Ci Archimedes Principle for a floating body
Cj Stability of a floating body
Ck Surface Tension
Cm Pressure differences due to Surface Tension
Cn Contact Angle
Cp Meniscus
Cq Capillarity
B Basic Fluid Dynamics
Ba Descriptions of Fluid Motion
Baa              Descriptions of Fluid Motions
Bab Fluid Accelerations
Bac Steady Flow
Bad Derivation of the Relation between the Time Derivatives
Bae Transport Theorem
Bb Kinematics of Fluid Motion
Bba Kinematics of Fluid Motions
Bbb Illustration of Fluid Deformation
Bc Conservation of Mass
Bca Conservation of Mass
Bcb Control Volume
Bcc Macroscopic form of Continuity
Bcd Differential form of Continuity
Bce Continuity equation in various coordinate systems
Bcf Integral form of Continuity
Bcg Streamlines, Pathlines and Streaklines
Bch Streamfunction
Bcj Examples of streamfunctions
Bd Newton's Law
Bda Newton's Law of Motion
Bdb Euler's Equations of Motion
Bdc Euler's Equations of Motion in Other Coordinates
Bdd Vorticity
Bde Circulation
Bdf Velocity Potential
Bdg Bernoulli's Equation
Bdh Energy Implications of Bernoulli's Equation
Be Momentum Theorem
Bea Linear Momentum Theorem
Beb Example: Arbitrary Duct
Bec Example: Fire Hose Nozzle
Bed Example: Fire Hose with Bend
Bee Connection between drag and a wake
Bef Jet Engine
Beg Rocket Engine
Beh Angular Momentum Theorem
Bei Example: Pump or Turbine
Bf Steady One-dimensional internal flows
Bfa Hydraulic System Analysis
Bfb Viscous Losses in Incompressible Fluid Flows
Bfc Viscous losses in pipes
Bfd Viscous Losses in Fittings
Bfe Diffusers and nozzles
Bff Incompressible Flows with External Energy Exchange
Bfg Turbomachines
Bfh Turbomachine Design
Bfi Turbomachine Performance
Bn Unsteady One-dimensional Internal Flows
Bna Introduction to Unsteady Internal Flows
Bnb System Analysis
Bnc Quasistatic Instabilities
Bnca Quasistatic Stability Analyses
Bncb Turbomachine Surge
Bncc Ledinegg Instability
Bncd Geyser Instability
Bnd Unsteady Bernoulli Equation
Bnda Unsteady Bernoulli Equation for a Pipe
Bndb Manometer Oscillations
Bne Dynamic Instabilities
Bnea Dynamic Instabilities
Bneb Cavitation Surge of Cavitating Pumps
Bnec Condensation Oscillations and Chugging
Bnf Time Domain Methods
Bnfa Time Domain Methods
Bnfb Wave Propagation in Ducts
Bnfc Method of Characteristics
Bnfd Turbomachine Dynamics
Bng Frequency Domain Methods
Bnga Frequency Domain Methods
Bngk System with Rigid Body Vibration
Bngb Order of the System
Bngc Transfer Matrices
Bngd Distributed Systems
Bnge Combinations of Transfer Matrices
Bngf Properties of Transfer Matrices
Bngf Measurement of Transfer Matrices
Bngg Some Simple Transfer Matrices
Bngh Fluctuation Energy Flux
Bngi Turbomachine Dynamics
Bg Incompressible, Inviscid, Irrotational Flow
Bga Potential Flow
Bgb Methods of Solution of Laplace's Equation
Bgc Gravity Waves on a Liquid Surface
Bgca Separation of Variables in Cartesian Coordinates
Bgcb Gravity Wave Boundary Conditions
Bgcc Gravity Waves on an Infinitely Deep Ocean
Bgcd Gravity Waves on an Finite-Depth Ocean
Bgce Standing Gravity Waves
Bgcf Gravity Waves at Vertical Boundaries
Bgd Fundamental Singularities
Bgda Method of Separation of Variables in Polar Coordinates
Bgdb General Solution to Potential Flow in Polar Coordinates
Bgdc The Free Vortex
Bgdd Sources and Sinks
Bgde Planar Rankine Half-Bodies
Bgdf Planar Doublet
Bgdg Planar Rankine Body
Bgdh Potential Flow around a Cylinder
Bgdi Cylinder with Circulation in a Uniform Stream
Bgdj Lift and Drag in Potential Flow
Bgdk Kelvin Ovals
Bgdl Vortex Sheets
Bgdm Images and Walls
Bgdn Point Singularities
Bge Methods of Complex Variables
Bgea Cauchy-Riemann Equations
Bgeb Method of Complex Variables for Planar Potential Flows
Bgec Conformal Mapping
Bged Joukowski Airfoils
Bgee Flat Plate at an Angle of Attack
Bgf Axisymmetric Flow
Bgfa Axisymmetric Flow
Bgfb Axisymmetric Flow without Swirl
Bgfc Axisymmetric Flow with Swirl
Bh General Equations of Motion
Bha Stress Tensor
Bhb Equations of Motion in terms of Stress
Bhc Constitutive Laws
Bhd Constitutive Laws in Cylindrical Coordinates
Bhe Constitutive Laws in Spherical Coordinates
Bhf Navier-Stokes Equations
Bhg Navier-Stokes Equations in Cylindrical Coordinates
Bhh Navier-Stokes Equations in Spherical Coordinates
Bi Exact Solutions to Navier-Stokes Equations
Bia Introduction to Exact Solutions of Navier-Stokes Equations
Bib Couette and Planar Poiseuille Flow
Bic Poiseuille Flow
Bid Radial Flow
Bie Vortex Flow
Bif Rayleigh and Ekman Flow
Big Laminar Round Jet
Bih Category 2 Solutions
Bj Boundary Layer Flows
Bja Introduction to Boundary Layer Flows
Bjb Laminar Boundary Layer Equations
Bjc Exact Solutions to the Laminar Boundary Layer Equations
Bjd Blasius Solution for a Flat Plate Boundary Layer
Bje Falkner-Skan Solutions to Laminar Boundary Layer Equations
Bjf Thicknesses and Surface Stress
Bjg Development of Laminar Boundary Layers
Bjh Karman Momentum Integral Equation
Bji Approximate Methods
Bjj Effect of Suction
Bk Turbulence
Bka Introduction to Turbulence
Bkb The Development of Turbulence
Bkc Linear Stability Analyses
Bkd Stability of Parallel Flows
Bke Amplification of Disturbances
Bkf Turbulence Spectra and Scales
Bkg Reynolds Stresses
Bkn Computing Turbulent Flows
Bkh Turbulence Models
Bki Turbulent Couette Flow
Bkj Law of the Wall
Bkl Turbulent Pipe Flows
Bkm Rough Pipe Flows
Bkk Turbulent Boundary Layers
Bl Stokes Flow
Bla Introduction to Stokes Flow
Blb Equations of Stokes Flow
Blc Singularities in Stokes’ Flow
Bld Slender body theory
Ble Resistive Force theory
Blf Planar Stokes’ Flow
Blg Axisymmetric Stokes’ Flow
Bm Unsteady Flows
Bma Introduction
Bmb Added Mass
Bmba Introduction to Added Mass
Bmbb Added Mass Matrix
Bmbc Fluid Acceleration far from the Body
Bmbd Values of the Added Mass
Bmbe Added Mass for Joukowski Airfoils
Bmbf Additional effects on the Added Mass
Bmc Vortex Shedding
Bo Compressible Flow
Boa Preliminaries for Compressible Flows
Bob One-Dimensional Isentropic Flow
Boc Energy Equation
Bod Speed of Sound
Boe Isentropic Duct Flows
Bof Choked Flow
Bog Effect of Friction in Duct Flows
Boh Shock Waves
Boi Rocket Engines
Boj Two-dimensional Compressible Flows
Bok Planar Supersonic Flows for Small Deflections
Bol Prandtl-Meyer Expansion Fan
Bom Oblique Shock Wave
Bon Compressible Potential Flow
Boo Supersonic Potential Flow
Bop Prandtl-Glauert Mapping
Bp Open Channel Flow
Bpa Introduction to Open Channel Flow
Bgcb Gravity Wave Boundary Conditions
Bgcc Gravity Waves on an Infinitely Deep Ocean
Bgcd Gravity Waves on an Finite-Depth Ocean
Bgce Standing Gravity Waves
Bgcf Gravity Waves at Vertical Boundaries
Bpb Finite Amplitude Waves
Bpc Hydraulic Jumps
Bpd Frictionless Flow
Bpe The Effect of Friction
Bpf The Shallow Water Wave Equations
Da Introduction to External Flows
Daa Introduction
Dab Forces on Objects
Db Drag
Dba Introduction to Drag
Dbb Relation between drag and the wake
Dbc Drag on a sphere or cylinder
Dbd Vortex generators
Dbe Form Drag
Dbf Skin Friction Drag
Dbg Wave Drag
Dbh Effects of Rotation
Dc Lift
Dca Introduction to Lift
Dcb Magnus Effect
Dcc General Relation between Lift and the Circulation
Dch Effects of Rotation
Dci Ground Effects
Dcd The Flat Plate Airfoil
Dce Planar Airfoil Performance
Dcf Finite Span Performance
Dcg Aircraft Flight
Dd Propulsion
Dda Introduction to Propulsion
Ddb Drag Propulsion
Ddc Propulsion Efficiency
Ddd Propeller Propulsion
Dde Jet Propulsion
Ddf Rocket Propulsion
De Vortex Shedding
Dea Introduction to Vortex Shedding
Df Animal Locomotion
Dfa Introduction to Animal Locomotion
Dfb High Reynolds Number Locomotion
Dfd Fish Locomotion
Dfe Bird Flight
Dfc Low Reynolds Number Locomotion
Dff Prokaryotic Locomotion
Dfg Flagellar Locomotion
Dfh Ciliary Propulsion
Dfi Internal flows and Mucus Propulsion
Ea Introduction
Eb Blood Flow
Eba Blood Characteristics
Ebaa Constituents of Blood
Ebab Rheology of Blood
Ebb Branching Networks
Ebba Branching Properties
Ebbb Gas Diffusion
Ebc Microcirculation
Ebd Flow in the Heart
Ebda Heart Valves
Ebdb Ventricular Assist Devices
Ebdc Artificial Hearts
Ebe Flow in the Lungs
Ebf Flow in the Kidneys
Ebg Flow in the Brain
Ec Laser Uses
Eca Laser Scalpels
Ecb Lasers Lithotripsy
Ed Ultrasound
Eda Ultrasonic Imaging
Edc Focussed Ultrasound
Edd Ultrasonic Lithotripsy
Ede Shockwave Lithotripsy
Ee Nuclei Control
Eea Cellular Manipulation
Eeb Hyperbaric Oxygen
K Fluid Flow Measurements
Ka Preparation for Experiments
Kb Design of Experiments
Kc Experimental Techniques
Kca Introduction
Kcb Auto- and Cross-Correlation
Kcc Least Squares Fits
Kd Instrumentation
Kda Introduction
Kdb Flow Visualization
Kdba Introduction
Kdbb Flow Tracers
Kdbc Particle Image Velocimetry
Kdbd Optical Techniques
Kdc Flow Rate and Velocity
Kdca Introduction
Kdcb Measurements using Bernoulli's Equation
Kdcc Electromagnetic Flow Meters
Kdcd Laser Velocimetry
Kdce Acoustic Doppler Velocimetry
Kdcf Vortex Shedding Flowmeter
Kdd Pressure, Stresses and Sound
Kdda Introduction
Kddb Manometers
Kddc Strain Gauges
Kddd Pressure Transducers
Kdde Acoustic Pressures
Kde Forces
Kdea Introduction
Kdeb Force Balances
Kdf Acceleration and Vibration
Kdg Other Fluid Measurements
Ke Some Facilities
Kea Introduction
Keb Wind Tunnels
Kec Water Tunnels
Ked Towing Tanks
Kee Model Basins
M Fluid Machinery
Ma Introduction
Maa Introduction to Fluid Machinery
Mac Turbomachines
Mad Cavitation
Mae Unsteady Flows
Mb Pumps
Mba Introduction to Pumps
Mbg Types of Pumps
Mbb Fluid Mechanics of Centrifugal and Axial Flow Pumps
Mbbk        Introduction
Mbba        Geometric Notation
Mbbb Cascades
Mbbc Flow Notation
Mbbd Specific Speed
Mbbe Pump Geometries
Mbbf Energy Balance
Mbbg Idealized Non-cavitating Pump Performance
Mbbj Four-quadrant Performance
Mbbh Pumps in Parallel
Mbbk Pumps in Series
Mbc Two-dimensional Performance Analysis
Mbca Introduction
Mbcb Linear Cascade Analyses
Mbcc Deviation Angle
Mbcd Viscous Effects in Linear Cascades
Mbce Radial Cascade Analyses
Mbcf Viscous Effects in Radial Flows
Mbd Other Flow Features
Mbdb Three-Dimensional Flow Effects
Mbdc Radial Equilibrium Example
Mbdd Discharge Flow Management
Mbde Prerotation
Mbdf Other Secondary Flows
Mbe Cavitation
Mbea Introduction
Mbeb Cavitation Parameters
Mbec Cavitation Inception
Mbed Scaling of Cavitation Inception
Mbee Pump Performance
Mbef Types of Impeller Cavitation
Mbeg Cavitation Inception Data
Mbew Cavitation Bubble Dynamics
Mbeh Cavitation Damage
Mbex Mechanism of Cavitation Damage
Mbei Cavitation Noise
Mbej Cavitating Pump Performance
Mbem Inducer Designs
Mben Inducer Performance
Mbep Effects of Inducer Geometry
Mbeq Analyses of Cavitation in Pumps
Mber Thermal Effect on Pump Performance
Mbes Free Streamline Methods
Mbet Supercavitating Cascades
Mbeu Partially Cavitating Cascades
Mbev Cavitation Performance Correlations
Mbf Pump Vibration
Mbfa Introduction
Mbfb Frequencies of Oscillation
Mbfc Unsteady Flows
Mbfd Rotating Stall
Mbfe Rotating Cavitation
Mbff Surge
Mbfg Auto-oscillation
Mbfh Rotor-Stator Interaction: Flow Patterns
Mbfi Rotor-Stator Interaction: Forces
Mbfj Developed Cavity Oscillation
Mbfk Acoustic Resonances
Mbfm Blade Flutter
Mbfn Pogo Instabilities
Mbh Jet Pumps
Mbi Compressors
Mbj Positive Displacement Pumps
Mc Rotordynamics of Fluid Machinery
Mca Introduction
Mcb Notation
Mcc Hydrodynamic Bearings and Seals
Mcd Bearings at Low Reynolds Numbers
Mce Annulus at High Reynolds Numbers
Mcf Squeeze Film Dampers
Mcg Turbulent Annular Seals
Mch Labyrinth Seals
Mci Blade Tip Rotordynamic Effects
Mcj Steady Radial Forces
Mck Effect of Cavitation
Mcm Centrifugal Pumps
Mcn Moments and Lines of Action
Mcp Axial Flow Inducers
Md Turbines
Mda Introduction
Mdb Types of Turbines
Mdc Pelton Wheel
Mdd Impulse and Reaction Turbines
Mde Basic Fluid Mechanics of Turbines
Mdi Two-dimensional Analyses
Mdj Reaction Turbines
Mdf Propeller and Kaplan Turbines
Mdg Francis Turbine
Mdh Cavitation in Turbines
Me Fluid Couplings
Mea Introduction to Fluid Couplings
Meb Performance Analysis
Mec Reversible Fluid Coupling
Mf Propellers
Mfa Introduction
Mfb Propellers
Mfc Performance
Mfd Efficiency
Mfe Propeller Cavitation
Mff Propeller Cavitation Damage
Mfg Cavitation Performance
Mfh Dynamic Characteristics
Mg Flow Valves
Mga Hydraulic Valves
Mgb Hydraulic Control
N Multiphase Flow
Na Introduction
Naa Scope
Nab Multiphase Flow Models
Nac Multiphase Flow Notation
Nad Size Distributions
Nb Equations of Motion
Nba Averaging
Nbb Conservation of Mass
Nbc Number Continuity Equation
Nbd Fick's Law
Nbe Equations of Motion
Nbf Disperse Phase Momentum Equation
Nbg On Disperse Phase Interaction
Nbh Equations for Conservation of Energy
Nbi Heat Transfer between Separated Phases
Nc Interaction with turbulence
Nca Particle and Turbulence
Ncb Effect on Turbulence Stability
Nd On the equations of motion
Nda Comments
Ndb Averaging
Ndc Averaging Contributions to the Mean Motion
Ndd Averaging in Pipe Flows
Nde Modeling with the Combined Phase Equations
Ndf Mass, Force and Energy Interaction Terms
Ne Single particle motion
Nea Introduction
Neb Sphere Flow - High Reynolds Number
Nec Sphere Flow - Low Reynolds Number
Ned Molecular Effects
Nee Unsteady Particle Motions
Nef Effect of Concentration on Added Mass
Neg Unsteady Potential Flow
Neh Unsteady Stokes Flow
Nei Particle Equation of Motion
Nej Magnitude of Relative Motion
Nek Effect of Concentration on Particle Motion
Nel Effect of Concentration on Particle Drag
Nf Bubble or droplet translation
Nfa Introduction
Nfb Dimensional Analysis of Deformation due to Translation
Nfc Bubble Shapes and Terminal Velocities
Nfd Marangoni Effects
Nfe Bjerknes Forces
Nff Growing Bubbles
Ng Bubble growth and collapse
Nga Introduction
Ngb Rayleigh-Plesset Equation
Ngc Bubble Contents
Ngd In the Absence of Thermal Effects
Nge Stability of Vapor/Gas Bubbles
Ngf Thermal Effects on Growth
Ngg Thermally Controlled Growth
Ngh Cavitation and Boiling
Ngi Bubble Growth by Mass Diffusion
Ngj Bubble Natural Frequencies
Ngk Nonlinear Effects
Ngl Rectified Mass Diffusion
Nh Cavitation
Nha Introduction
Nhb Cavitation Inception
Nhc Cavitation Bubble Collapse
Nhd Shape during Bubble Collapse
Nhe Cavitation Damage
Nhf Cavitating Bubble Shapes
Nhg Cavitation Noise
Nhh Cavitation Luminescence
Nhi Cavitation Chemistry
Nhj Vapor Explosions
Nt Cavitating Flows
Nta Introduction
Ntb Traveling Bubble Cavitation
Ntc Bubble Flow Interactions
Ntd Experimental Observations
Nte Large Scale Cavitation Structures
Ntf Vortex Cavitation
Ntg Cloud Cavitation
Nth Attached or Sheet Cavitation
Nti Cavitating Foils
Ntj Cavity Closure
Nu Free Streamline Flows
Nua Introduction
Nub Cavity Closure Models
Nuc Cavity Detachment Models
Nud Wall Effects and Choked Flows
Nue Steady Planar Flows
Nuf Some Nonlinear Results
Nug Linearized Methodsn
Nuh Flat Plate Hydrofoil
Nui Cavitating Cascades
Nuj Three Dimensional Flows
Nuk Numerical Methods
Nul Unsteady Flows
Ni Boiling and Condensation
Nia Introduction
Nib Pool Boiling on Horizontal Surface
Nic Nucleate Boiling on Horizontal Surface
Nid Film Boiling on Horizontal Surface
Nie Leidenfrost Effect
Nif Boiling on Vertical Surface
Nig Film Boiling on Vertical Surface
Nih Condensation
Nii Film Condensation
Nj Flow patterns
Nja Multiphase Flow Patterns
Njb Examples of Flow Regime Maps
Njc Slurry Flow Regimes
Njd Vertical Pipe Flow
Nje Flow Pattern Classifications
Njf Disperse Phase Separation and Dispersion
Njg Example: Horizontal Pipe Flow
Njh Particle Size and Particle Fission
Nji Examples of Flow-determined Bubble Size
Njj Bubbly or Mist Flow Limits
Njk Other Bubbly Flow Limits
Njl Other Particle Size Effects
Njm Stability of Disperse Mixtures
Njn Inhomogeneity Instability of Vertical Flows
Njo Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability
Njp Stratified Flow Instability
Njq Annular Flow Instability
Nk Energy conversion
Nka Introduction
Nkb Disperse Horizontal Flow Friction
Nkc Homogeneous Flow Friction
Nkd Heterogeneous Flow Friction
Nke Vertical Flow Friction
Nkf Two Component Separated Flow Friction
Nkg Friction with Phase Change
Nkh Multiphase Flow in Pumps
Nl Homogeneous Flows
Nla Introduction
Nlb Sonic Speed
Nlc Sonic Speed at Higher Frequencies
Nld Sonic Speed with Phase Change
Nle Barotropic Relations
Nlf Nozzle Flows
Nlg Vapor/Liquid Nozzle Flow
Nlh Condensation Shocks
Nm Flows with bubble dynamics
Nma Introduction
Nmb Basic Equations
Nmc Acoustics of Bubbly Mixtures
Nmd Comparison with Experiments
Nme Normal Shock Waves in Bubbly Flows
Nmf Shock Waves Structure
Nmg Oblique Shock Waves
Nmh Spherical Bubble Cloud Modes
Nmi Spherical Bubble Cloud Response
Nn Flows with gas dynamics
Nna Introduction
Nnb Equations for a Dusty Gas
Nnc Homogeneous Flow with Gas Dynamics
Nnd Velocity and Temperature Relaxation
Nne Normal Shock Wave
Nnf Acoustic Damping
Nng Linear Stability of Laminar Flow
Nnh Flow over a Wavy Wall
Nni Small Slip Perturbation
No Sprays
Noa Introduction
Nob Ocean Spray
Noc Spray Formation by Bubbling
Nod Spray Formation by Wind Shear
Noe Spray Formation by Initially Laminar Jets
Nof Spray Formation by Turbulent Jets
Nog Single Droplet Mechanics
Noh Single Droplet Combustion
Noi Spray Combustion
Np Granular flows
Npa Introduction
Npb Particle Interaction Models
Npc Computer Simulations
Nps Wave Propagation
Npt Effects of Vibration
Npu Soil Liquefaction
Npd Flow Regimes
Npe Flow Regime Rheologies
Npf Flow Regime Boundaries
Npg Slow Granular Flow
Nph Mohr-Coulomb Models
Npi Hopper Flows
Npj Rapid Granular Flow
Npk Examples of Rapid Flow Equations
Npl Boundary Conditions
Npm Rapid Flow Simulations
Npq Chute Flows
Npr Heat Transfer
Npn Effect of Interstitial Fluid
Npo Particle Collisions
Npp Classes of Interstitial Fluid Effects
Nq Drift flux models
Nqa Introduction
Nqb Drift Flux Method
Nqc Vertical Pipe Flow
Nqd Fluidized Bed
Nqe Pool Boiling Crisis
Nqf Corrections for Pipe Flows
Nr System instablities
Nra Introduction
Nrb System Structure
Nrc Quasistatic Stability
Nrd Turbomachine Surge
Nre Ledinegg Instability
Nrf Geyser Instability
Nrg Concentration Waves
Nrh Dynamic Instabilities
Nri Cavitation Surge in Pumps
Nrj Chugging and Condensation Oscillations
Nrk Unsteady Internal Flow Methods
Nrl Transfer Functions
Nrm Uniform Homogeneous Flow
Nrp Non-Cavitating Pumps
Nrq Cavitating Inducers
Nrt Bubbly Flow Model for Cavitating Inducers
Nrr Cavitating Turbine
Nrs Cavitating Propeller
Ns Kinematic waves
Nsa Introduction
Nsb Kinematic Wave Analysis
Nsc Kinematic Wave Speed at Flooding
Nsd Kinematic Waves in Steady Flows
Nse Kinematic Shock Waves
Nsf Kinematic Shock Stability
Nsg Compressibility and Phase Change Effects
Nsh Batch Sedimentation
Nsi Dynamics of Cavitating Pumps
Nsj Two-dimensional Shocks
O Numerical Methods
Oa Numerical Methods
Ob Boundary Integral Methods
Oc Finite Difference Methods
Od Finite Differences Example
Oe Finite Element Methods

Last updated 6/10/06.
Christopher E. Brennen