Descriptions of Fluid Motion (Ba)
       Descriptions of Fluid Motions       (Baa)
       Fluid Accelerations       (Bab)
       Steady Flow       (Bac)
       Derivation of the Relation between the Time Derivatives       (Bad)
       Transport Thereom       (Bae)
Kinematics of Fluid Motion (Bb)
       Kinematics of Fluid Motions      (Bba)
       Illustration of Fluid Deformation      (Bbb)
Conservation of Mass (Bc)
       Conservation of Mass       (Bca)
       Control Volume       (Bcb)
       Macroscopic form of Continuity       (Bcc)
       Differential form of Continuity       (Bcd)
       Continuity equation in various coordinate systems       (Bce)
       Integral form of Continuity       (Bcf)
       Streamlines, Pathlines and Streaklines       (Bcg)
       Streamfunction       (Bch)
       Examples of streamfunctions       (Bcj)
Newton's Law (Bd)
       Newton's Law of Motion       (Bda)
       Euler's Equations of Motion       (Bdb)
       Euler's Equations of Motion in Other Coordinates       (Bdc)
       Vorticity       (Bdd)
       Circulation       (Bde)
       Kelvin's Theorem       (Bdj)
       Velocity Potential       (Bdf)
       Bernoulli's Equation       (Bdg)
       Energy Implications of Bernoulli's Equation       (Bdh)
Momentum Theorem (Be)
       Linear Momentum Theorem       (Bea)
       Example: Arbitrary Duct       (Beb)
       Example: Fire Hose Nozzle       (Bec )
       Example: Fire Hose with Bend       (Bed)
       Connection between drag and a wake       (Bee)
       Jet Engine       (Bef)
       Rocket Engine       (Beg)
       Angular Momentum Theorem       (Beh)
       Example: Pump or Turbine       (Bei)
Steady one-dimensional internal flows (Bf)
       Hydraulic System Analysis       (Bfa)
       Viscous Losses in Incompressible Fluid Flows       (Bfb)
       Viscous losses in pipes       (Bfc)
       Viscous Losses in Fittings       (Bfd)
       Diffusers and Nozzles       (Bfe)
       Incompressible Flows with External Energy Exchange       (Bff)
       Pumps and Turbines       (Bfg)
       Turbomachine Design       (Bfh)
       Turbomachine Performance       (Bfi)
Unsteady one-dimensional internal flows (Bn)
       Introduction       (Bna)
       System Analysis       (Bnb)
       Quasistatic Stability Analysis       (Bnc)
             Quasistatic Stability Analyses             (Bnca)
             Turbomachine Surge             (Bncb)
             Ledinegg Instability             (Bncc)
             Geyser Instability             (Bncd)
       Unsteady Bernoulli Equation       (Bnd)
             Unsteady Bernoulli Equation             (Bnda)
             Manometer Oscillations             (Bndb)
       Dynamic Instabilities       (Bne)
             Dynamic Instabilities             (Bnea)
             Cavitation Surge             (Bneb)
             Condensation Instabilities and Chugging             (Bnec)
       Time Domain Methods       (Bnf)
             Time Domain Methods             (Bnfa)
             Wavepropagation in Ducts             (Bnfb)
             Method of Characteristics             (Bnfc)
             Turbomachine Dynamics             (Bnfd)
       Frequency Domain Methods       (Bng)
             Frequency Domain Methods             (Bnga)
             System with Rigid Body Vibration             (Bngk)
             Order of the System             (Bngb)
             Transfer Matrices             (Bngc)
             Distributed Systems             (Bngd)
             Combinations of Transfer Matrices             (Bnge)
             Properties of Transfer Matrices             (Bngf)
             Measurement of Transfer Matrices             (Bngl)
             Some Simple Transfer Matrices             (Bngg)
             Fluctuation Energy Flux             (Bngh)
             Turbomachine Dynamics             (Bngi)
Incompressible, Inviscid, Irrotational Flow (Bg)
       Potential Flow       (Bga)
       Methods of Solution of Laplace's Equation       (Bgb)
       Gravity Waves on a Liquid Surface       (Bgc)
             Separation of Variables in Cartesian Coordinates             (Bgca)
             Gravity Waves Boundary Conditions             (Bgcb)
             Gravity Waves on an Infinitely Deep Ocean             (Bgcc)
             Gravity Waves on an Finite-Depth Ocean             (Bgcd)
             Standing Waves             (Bgce)
             Gravity Waves at Vertical Boundaries             (Bgcf)
       Fundamental Singularities       (Bgd)
             Separation of Variables in Polar Coordinates             (Bgda)
             General Solution to Potential Flow in Polar Coordinates             (Bgdb)
            The Free Vortex             (Bgdc)
             Sources and Sinks             (Bgdd)
             Planar Rankine Half-Bodies             (Bgde)
             PlanarDoublet             (Bgdf)
             Planar Rankine Body             (Bgdg)
             Cylinder             (Bgdh)
             Cylinder with Circulation             (Bgdi)
             Lift and Drag in Potential Flow             (Bgdj)
             Kelvin Ovals             (Bgdk)
             Vortex Sheets             (Bgdl)
            Images and Walls             (Bgdm)
             Point Singularities            (Bgdn)
       Methods of Complex Variables       (Bge)
             Cauchy-Riemann Relations             (Bgea)
             Method of Complex Variables             (Bgeb)
             Conformal Mapping             (Bgec)
             Joukowski Airfoils             (Bged)
             Flat Plate Airfoil             (Bgee)
       Axisymmetric Flow       (Bgf)
             Axisymmetric Flow             (Bgfa)
             Axisymmetric Flow without Swirl             (Bgfb)
             Axisymmetric Flow with Swirl              (Bgfc)
General Equations of Motion (Bh)
       Stress Tensor       (Bha)
       Equations of Motion in terms of Stress       (Bhb)
       Constitutive Laws       (Bhc)
       Constitutive Laws in Cylindrical Coordinates       (Bhd)
       Constitutive Laws in Spherical Coordinates       (Bhe)
       Navier-Stokes Equations       (Bhf)
       Navier-Stokes Equations in Cylindrical Coordinates       (Bhg)
       Navier-Stokes Equations in Spherical Coordinates       (Bhh)
       Vorticity Transport Equation       (Bhi)
Exact Solutions to Navier-Stokes Equations (Bi)
       Introduction to Exact Solutions of Navier-Stokes Equations       (Bia)
       Couette and Planar Poiseuille Flow       (Bib)
       Poiseuille Flow       (Bic)
       Radial Flow       (Bid)
       Vortex Flow       (Bie)
       Rayleigh and Ekman Flow       (Bif)
       Laminar Round Jet       (Big)
       Category 2 Solutions       (Bih)
Boundary Layer Flows (Bj)
       Introduction to Boundary Layer Flows       (Bja)
       Laminar Boundary Layer Equations       (Bjb)
       Exact Solutions to Laminar Boundary Layer Equations       (Bjc)
       Blasius Solution       (Bjd)
       Falkner-Skan Solutions       (Bje)
       Thicknesses and Surface Stress       (Bjf)
       Development of Laminar Boundary Layers       (Bjg)
       Karman Momentum Integral Equation       (Bjh)
       Approximate Methods       (Bji)
       Effect of Suction       (Bjj)
Turbulence (Bk)
       Introduction to Turbulence      (Bka)
       The Development of Turbulence      (Bkb)
       Linear Stability Analyses      (Bkc)
       Stability of Parallel Flows      (Bkd)
       Amplification of Disturbances      (Bke)
       Turbulence Spectra and Scales      (Bkf)
       Reynolds Stresses      (Bkg)
       Computing Turbulent Flows      (Bkn)
       Turbulence Models      (Bkh)
       Turbulent Couette Flow      (Bki)
       Law of the Wall      (Bkj)
       Turbulent Pipe Flows      (Bkl)
       Rough Pipe Flows      (Bkm)
       Turbulent Boundary Layers      (Bkk)
Stokes Flow (Bl)
       Introduction to Stokes Flow       (Bla)
       Equations of Stokes Flow       (Blb)
       Singularities       (Blc)
       Slender Body Theory       (Bld)
       Resistive Force Theory       (Ble)
       Planar Flow       (Blf)
       Axisymmetric Flow       (Blg)
       Oseen Flow       (Blh)
Unsteady Flows (Bm)
       Introduction       (Bma)
       Added Mass       (Bmb)
             Introduction             (Bmba)
             Added Mass Matrix             (Bmbb)
             Fluid Acceleration far from the Body             (Bmbc)
             Values of the Added Mass             (Bmbd)
             Added Mass for Joukowski Airfoils             (Bmbe)
             Additional Effects on the Added Mass             (Bmbf)
       Vortex Shedding       (Bmc)
Compressible Flow (Bo)
       Prelinaries for Compressible Flow       (Boa)
       One-Dimensional Isentropic Flow       (Bob)
       Energy Equation       (Boc)
       Speed of Sound       (Bod)
       Isentropic Duct Flows       (Boe)
       Choked Flow       (Bof)
       Effect of Friction in Duct Flows       (Bog)
       Shock Waves       (Boh)
       Rocket Engines       (Boi)
       Two-dimensional Flows       (Boj)
       Planar Supersonic Flows for Small Turn Angles       (Bok)
       Prandtl-Meyer Expansion Fan       (Bol)
       Oblique Shock Wave       (Bom)
       Compressible Potential Flow       (Bon)
       Supersonic Potential Flow       (Boo)
       Prandtl-Glauert Mapping       (Bop)
Open Channel Flow (Bp)
       Introduction to Open Channel Flows       (Bpa)
             Gravity Waves Boundary Conditions             (Bgcb)
             Gravity Waves on an Infinitely Deep Ocean             (Bgcc)
             Gravity Waves on an Finite-Depth Ocean             (Bgcd)
             Standing Waves             (Bgce)
             Gravity Waves at Vertical Boundaries             (Bgcf)
       Finite Amplitude Waves       (Bpb)
       Hydraulic Jumps       (Bpc)
       Frictionless Flow       (Bpd)
       The Effect of Friction       (Bpe)
       The Shallow Water Wave Equations       (Bpf)
References B

Last updated 4/9/04.
Christopher E. Brennen