Fundamental Singularities

Separation of Variables in Polar Coordinates   (Bgda)
General Solution to Potential Flow in Polar Coordinates   (Bgdb)
The Free Vortex   (Bgdc)
Sources and Sinks   (Bgdd)
Planar Rankine Half-Bodies   (Bgde)
PlanarDoublet   (Bgdf)
Planar Rankine Body   (Bgdg)
Cylinder   (Bgdh)
Cylinder with Circulation   (Bgdi)
Lift and Drag in Potential Flow   (Bgdj)
Kelvin Ovals   (Bgdk)
Vortex Sheets   (Bgdl)
Images and Walls   (Bgdm)
Point Singularities   (Bgdn)

Last updated 4/9/04.
Christopher E. Brennen