| Preface
| Nomenclature
CHAPTER 1. | Introduction
| 1.1 Scope
| 1.2 This Book
| 1.3 References
CHAPTER 2. | Basic Nuclear Power Generation
| 2.1 Nuclear Power
| 2.2 Nuclear Fuel Cycle
| 2.2.1 Thorium Fuel Cycle
| 2.2.2 Fuel Changes in the Reactor
| 2.2.3 The post-reactor stages
| 2.3 Nuclear Physics
| 2.3.1 Basic Nuclear Fission
| 2.3.2 Neutron Energy Spectrum
| 2.3.3 Cross-sections and mean free paths
| 2.3.4 Delayed neutrons and emissions
| 2.4 Radioactivity and radioactive decay
| 2.4.1 Half-Life
| 2.4.2 Decay in a Nuclear Reactor
| 2.5 Radiation
| 2.6 Containment Systems
| 2.6.1 Radioactive Release
| 2.6.2 Reactor Shielding
| 2.7 Natural Uranium Reactors
| 2.8 Thermal Reactors
| 2.8.1 Moderator
| 2.8.2 Neutron History in a Thermal Reactor
| 2.9 Fast Reactors
| 2.10 Criticality
| 2.11 Fuel Cycle Variations
| 2.12 References
CHAPTER 3. | Core Neutronics
| 3.1 Introduction
| 3.2 Neutron Density and Neutron Flux
| 3.3 Discretizing the Energy or Speed Range
| 3.4 Averaging over Material Components
| 3.5 Neutron Transport Theory
| Diffusion Theory
| 3.6.1 Introduction
| 3.6.2 One-Speed and Two-Speed Approximations
| 3.6.3 Steady State One-Speed Diffusion Theory
| 3.6.4 Two-Speed Diffusion Theory
| 3.6.5 Nonisotropic Neutron Flux Treatments
| 3.6.6 Multigroup Diffusion Theories and Calculations
| 3.6.7 Lattice Cell Calculations
| 3.7 Simple Solutions to the Diffusion Equations
| 3.7.1 Spherical and Cylindrical Reactors
| 3.7.2 Effect of a Reflector on a Spherical Reactor
| 3.7.3 Effect of a Reflector on a Cylindrical Reactor
| 3.7.4 Effect of Control Rod Insertion
| 3.8 Steady State Lattice Calculations
| 3.8.1 Introduction
| 3.8.2 Fuel Rod Lattice Cell
| 3.8.3 Control Rod Lattice Cell
| 3.8.4 Other Lattice Scales
| 3.9 Unsteady or Quasi-Steady Neutronics
| 3.9.1 Unsteady One-Speed Diffusion Theory
| 3.9.2 Point Kinetics Model
| 3.10 More advanced Neutronic Theory
| 3.11 Monte Carlo Calculations
| 3.12 References
CHAPTER 4. | Some Reactor Designs
| 4.1 Introduction
| 4.2 Current Nuclear Reactors
| 4.3 Light Water Reactors (LWRS)
| 4.3.1 Types of Light Water Reactors
| 4.3.2 Pressurized Water Reactors (PWRs)
| 4.3.3 Boiling Water Reactors (BWRs)
| 4.3.4 Fuel and Control Rods for LWRs
| 4.3.5 Small Modular Reactors
| 4.3.6 LWR Control
| 4.4 Heavy Water Reactors (HWRs)
| 4.5 Graphite Moderated Reactors
| 4.6 Gas-Cooled Reactors
| 4.7 Fast Neutron Reactors (FNRs)
| 4.8 Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactors
| 4.9 Generation IV Reactors
| 4.9.1 Generation IV Thermal Reactors
| 4.9.2 Generation IV Fast Reactors
| 4.10 References
CHAPTER 5. | 5.1 Heat Production in a Nuclear Reactor
| 5.1.1 Introduction
| 5.1.2 Heat Source
| 5.1.3 Fuel Rod Heat Transfer
| 5.1.4 Heat Transfer to Coolant
| 5.2 Core Temperature Distributions
| 5.3 Core Design: An Illustrative LWR Example
| 5.4 Core Design: A LMFBR Example
| 5.5 Boiling Water Reactor
| 5.5.1 Temperature Distribution
| 5.5.2 Mass Quality and Void Fraction Distribution
| 5.6 Critical Heat Flux
| 5.7 References
CHAPTER 6. | Multiphase Flow
| 6.1 Introduction
| 6.2 Multiphase Flow Regimes
| 6.2.1 Multiphase Flow Notation
| 6.2.2 Multiphase Flow Patterns
| 6.2.3 Flow Regime Maps
| 6.2.4 Flow Pattern Classifications
| 6.2.5 Limits of Disperse Flow Regimes
| 6.2.6 Limits on Separated Flow
| 6.3 Pressure Drop
| 6.3.1 Introduction
| 6.3.2 Horizontal Disperse Flow
| 6.3.3 Homogenous Flow Friction
| 6.3.4 Frictional Loss in Separated Flow
| 6.4 Vaporization
| 6.4.1 Classes of Vaporization
| 6.4.2 Homogeneous Vaporization
| 6.4.3 Effect of Interfacial Roughness
| 6.5 Heterogeneous Vaporization
| 6.5.1 Pool Boiling
| 6.5.2 Pool Boiling on a Horizontal Surface
| 6.5.3 Nucleate Boiling
| 6.5.4 Pool Boiling Crisis
| 6.5.5 Film Boiling
| 6.5.6 Boiling on vertical surfaces
| 6.6 Multiphase Flow Instabilities
| 6.6.1 Introduction
| 6.6.2 Concentration wave oscillations
| 6.6.3 Ledinegg instability
| 6.6.4
Chugging and condensation oscillations
| 6.7 Nuclear reactor context
| 6.8 References
CHAPTER 7. | Reactor Multiphase Flows and Accidents
| 7.1 Multiphase Flows in Nuclear Reactors
| 7.1.1
Multiphase Flow in Normal Operation
| 7.1.2
Void Fraction Effect on Reactivity
| 7.1.3
Multiphase Flow during Overheating
| 7.2 Multiphase Flows in Nuclear Accidents
| 7.3 Safety Concerns
| 7.4 Safety Systems
| 7.4.1
PWR Safety Systems
| 7.4.2
BWR Safety Systems
| 7.5 Major Accidents
| 7.5.1
Three Mile Island
| 7.5.2
| 7.5.3
| 7.5.4
Other Accidents
| 7.6 Hypothetical Accident Analyses
| 7.6.1
Hypothetical Accident Analyses for LWRs
| 7.6.2
Loss-of-Coolant Accident: LWRs
| 7.6.3
Loss-of-Coolant Accident: LMFBRs
| 7.6.4
Vapor Explosions
| 7.6.5
Fuel-Coolant Interaction
| 7.7 Hypothetical Accident Analyses for FBRs
| 7.7.1
Hypothetical Core Disassembly Accident
| 7.8 References