| Preface
| Nomenclature
CHAPTER 1. | Introduction
| Scope
| Multiphase Flow Models
| Multiphase Flow Notation
| Size Distributions
| Equations of Motion
| Averaging
| Conservation of Mass
| Number Continuity Equation
| Fick's Law
| Equations of Motion
| Disperse Phase Momentum Equation
| On Disperse Phase Interaction |
| Equations for Conservation of Energy
| Heat Transfer between Separated Phases
| Interaction with turbulence |
| Particle and Turbulence |
| Effect on Turbulence Stability
| On the equations of motion
| Comments
| Averaging
| Averaging Contributions to the Mean Motion
| Averaging in Pipe Flows
| Modeling with the Combined Phase Equations
| Mass, Force and Energy Interaction Terms
CHAPTER 2. | Single particle motion
| Introduction
| Sphere Flow - High Reynolds Number
| Sphere Flow - Low Reynolds Number
| Molecular Effects
| Unsteady Particle Motions
| Effect of Concentration on Added Mass
| Unsteady Potential Flow
| Unsteady Stokes Flow
| Particle Equation of Motion
| Magnitude of Relative Motion
| Effect of Concentration on Particle Motion
| Effect of Concentration on Particle Drag
Bubble or droplet translation
| Introduction
| Dimensional Analysis of Deformation due to Translation
| Bubble Shapes and Terminal Velocities
| Marangoni Effects
| Bjerknes Forces
| Growing Bubbles
CHAPTER 4. | Bubble growth and collapse
| Introduction
| Rayleigh-Plesset Equation
| Bubble Contents
| In the Absence of Thermal Effects
| Stability of Vapor/Gas Bubbles
| Thermal Effects on Growth
| Thermally Controlled Growth
| Cavitation and Boiling
| Bubble Growth by Mass Diffusion
| Bubble Natural Frequencies
| Nonlinear Effects
| Rectified Mass Diffusion
CHAPTER 5. | Cavitation
| Introduction
| Cavitation Inception
| Cavitation Bubble Collapse
| Shape during Bubble Collapse
| Cavitation Damage
| Cavitating Bubble Shapes
| Cavitation Noise
| Cavitation Luminescence
| Cavitation Chemistry
| Vapor Explosions
| Bubble Dynamics Videos
| Cavitating Flows
| Introduction
| Traveling Bubble Cavitation
| Bubble Flow Interactions
| Experimental Observations
| Large Scale Cavitation Structures
| Vortex Cavitation
| Cloud Cavitation
| Attached or Sheet Cavitation
| Cavitating Foils
| Cavity Closure
| Cavitating Flow Videos
| Free Streamline Flows
| Introduction
| Cavity Closure Models
| Cavity Detachment Models
| Wall Effects and Choked Flows
| Steady Planar Flows
| Some Nonlinear Results
| Linearized Methods
| Flat Plate Hydrofoil
| Cavitating Cascades
| Three Dimensional Flows
| Numerical Methods
| Unsteady Flows
CHAPTER 6. | Boiling and Condensation
| Introduction
| Pool Boiling on Horizontal Surface
| Nucleate Boiling on Horizontal Surface
| Film Boiling on Horizontal Surface
| Leidenfrost Effect
| Boiling on Vertical Surface
| Film Boiling on Vertical Surface
| Condensation
| Film Condensation
CHAPTER 7. | Flow patterns
| Multiphase Flow Patterns
| Examples of Flow Regime Maps
| Slurry Flow Regimes
| Vertical Pipe Flow
| Flow Pattern Classifications
| Disperse Phase Separation and Dispersion
| Example: Horizontal Pipe Flow
| Particle Size and Particle Fission
| Examples of Flow-determined Bubble Size
| Bubbly or Mist Flow Limits
| Other Bubbly Flow Limits
| Other Particle Size Effects
| Stability of Disperse Mixtures
| Inhomogeneity Instability of Vertical Flows
| Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability
| Stratified Flow Instability
| Annular Flow Instability
| Two-Component Flow Videos
| Three-Component Flow Videos
CHAPTER 8. | Energy conversion
| Introduction
| Disperse Horizontal Flow Friction
| Homogeneous Flow Friction
| Heterogeneous Flow Friction
| Vertical Flow Friction
| Two Component Separated Flow Friction
| Friction with Phase Change
| Multiphase Flow in Pumps
CHAPTER 9. | Homogeneous Flows
| Introduction
| Sonic Speed
| Sonic Speed at Higher Frequencies
| Sonic Speed with Phase Change
| Barotropic Relations
| Nozzle Flows
| Vapor/Liquid Nozzle Flow
| Condensation Shocks
CHAPTER 10. | Flows with bubble dynamics
| Introduction
| Basic Equations
| Acoustics of Bubbly Mixtures
| Comparison with Experiments
| Normal Shock Waves in Bubbly Flows
| Shock Waves Structure
| Oblique Shock Waves
| Spherical Bubble Cloud Modes
| Spherical Bubble Cloud Response
CHAPTER 11. | Flows with gas dynamics
| Introduction
| Equations for a Dusty Gas
| Homogeneous Flow with Gas Dynamics
| Velocity and Temperature Relaxation
| Normal Shock Wave
| Acoustic Damping
| Linear Stability of Laminar Flow
| Flow over a Wavy Wall
| Small Slip Perturbation
CHAPTER 12. | Sprays
| Introduction
| Ocean Spray
| Spray Formation by Bubbling
| Spray Formation by Wind Shear
| Spray Formation by Initially Laminar Jets
| Spray Formation by Turbulent Jets
| Single Droplet Mechanics
| Single Droplet Combustion
| Spray Combustion
CHAPTER 13. | Granular flows
| Introduction
| Particle Interaction Models
| Computer Simulations
| Wave Propagation
| Effects of Vibration
| Soil Liquefaction
| Flow Regimes
| Flow Regime Rheologies
| Flow Regime Boundaries
| Slow Granular Flow
| Mohr-Coulomb Models
| Hopper Flows
| Rapid Granular Flow
| Chute Flow
| Heat Transfer
| Examples of Rapid Flow Equations
| Boundary Conditions
| Rapid Flow Simulations
| Effect of Interstitial Fluid
| Particle Collisions
| Classes of Interstitial Fluid Effects
| Shear Flow Simulation Videos
| Chute Flow Simulation Videos
| Mixture Flow Simulation Videos
| Force Chain Videos
| Wave Propagation Videos
| Vibration Effects Videos
| Booming Dunes Videos
CHAPTER 14. | Drift flux models
| Introduction
| Drift Flux Method
| Vertical Pipe Flow
| Fluidized Bed
| Pool Boiling Crisis
| Corrections for Pipe Flows
CHAPTER 15. | System instablities
| Introduction
| System Structure
| Quasistatic Stability
| Turbomachine Surge
| Ledinegg Instability
| Geyser Instability
| Concentration Waves
| Dynamic Instabilities
| Cavitation Surge in Pumps
| Chugging and Condensation Oscillations
| Unsteady Internal Flow Methods
| Transfer Functions
| Uniform Homogeneous Flow
| Non-Cavitating Pumps
| Cavitating Inducers
| Bubbly Flow Model for Cavitating Inducers
| Cavitating Turbine
| Cavitating Propeller
CHAPTER 16. | Kinematic waves
| Introduction
| Kinematic Wave Analysis
| Kinematic Wave Speed at Flooding
| Kinematic Waves in Steady Flows
| Kinematic Shock Waves
| Kinematic Shock Stability
| Compressibility and Phase Change Effects
| Batch Sedimentation
| Dynamics of Cavitating Pumps
| Two-dimensional Shocks
| References N