Introduction   (Na)
       Scope       (Naa)
       Multiphase Flow Models       (Nab)
       Multiphase Flow Notation       (Nac)
       Size Distributions       (Nad)
Equations of Motion   (Nb)
       Averaging       (Nba)
       Conservation of Mass       (Nbb)
       Number Continuity Equation       (Nbc)
       Fick's Law       (Nbd)
       Equations of Motion       (Nbe)
       Disperse Phase Momentum Equation       (Nbf)
       On Disperse Phase Interaction       (Nbg)
       Equations for Conservation of Energy       (Nbh)
       Heat Transfer between Separated Phases       (Nbi)
Interaction with turbulence   (Nc)
       Particle and Turbulence       (Nca)
       Effect on Turbulence Stability       (Ncb)
On the equations of motion   (Nd)
       Comments       (Nda)
       Averaging       (Ndb)
       Averaging Contributions to the Mean Motion       (Ndc)
       Averaging in Pipe Flows       (Ndd)
       Modeling with the Combined Phase Equations       (Nde)
       Mass, Force and Energy Interaction Terms       (Ndf)
Single particle motion   (Ne)
       Introduction       (Nea)
       Sphere Flow - High Reynolds Number       (Neb)
       Sphere Flow - Low Reynolds Number       (Nec)
       Molecular Effects       (Ned)
       Unsteady Particle Motions       (Nee)
       Effect of Concentration on Added Mass       (Nef)
       Unsteady Potential Flow       (Neg)
       Unsteady Stokes Flow       (Neh)
       Particle Equation of Motion       (Nei)
       Magnitude of Relative Motion       (Nej)
       Effect of Concentration on Particle Motion       (Nek)
       Effect of Concentration on Particle Drag       (Nel)
Bubble or droplet translation   (Nf)
       Introduction       (Nfa)
       Dimensional Analysis of Deformation due to Translation       (Nfb)
       Bubble Shapes and Terminal Velocities       (Nfc)
       Marangoni Effects       (Nfd)
       Bjerknes Forces       (Nfe)
       Growing Bubbles       (Nff)
Bubble growth and collapse   (Ng)
       Introduction       (Nga)
       Rayleigh-Plesset Equation       (Ngb)
       Bubble Contents       (Ngc)
       In the Absence of Thermal Effects       (Ngd)
       Stability of Vapor/Gas Bubbles       (Nge)
       Thermal Effects on Growth       (Ngf)
       Thermally Controlled Growth       (Ngg)
       Cavitation and Boiling       (Ngh)
       Bubble Growth by Mass Diffusion       (Ngi)
       Bubble Natural Frequencies       (Ngj)
       Nonlinear Effects       (Ngk)
       Rectified Mass Diffusion       (Ngl)
Cavitation   (Nh)
       Introduction       (Nha)
       Cavitation Inception       (Nhb)
       Cavitation Bubble Collapse       (Nhc)
       Shape during Bubble Collapse       (Nhd)
       Cavitation Damage       (Nhe)
       Cavitating Bubble Shapes       (Nhf)
       Cavitation Noise       (Nhg)
       Cavitation Luminescence       (Nhh)
       Cavitation Chemistry       (Nhi)
       Vapor Explosions       (Nhj)
             Bubble Dynamics Videos
Cavitating Flows   (Nt)
       Introduction       (Nta)
       Traveling Bubble Cavitation       (Ntb)
       Bubble Flow Interactions       (Ntc)
       Experimental Observations       (Ntd)
       Large Scale Cavitation Structures       (Nte)
       Vortex Cavitation       (Ntf)
       Cloud Cavitation       (Ntg)
       Attached or Sheet Cavitation       (Nth)
       Cavitating Foils       (Nti)
       Cavity Closure       (Ntj)
             Cavitating Flow Videos
Free Streamline Flows   (Nu)
       Introduction       (Nua)
       Cavity Closure Models       (Nub)
       Cavity Detachment Models       (Nuc)
       Wall Effects and Choked Flows       (Nud)
       Steady Planar Flows       (Nue)
       Some Nonlinear Results       (Nuf)
       Linearized Methods       (Nug)
       Flat Plate Hydrofoil       (Nuh)
       Cavitating Cascades       (Nui)
       Three Dimensional Flows       (Nuj)
       Numerical Methods       (Nuk)
       Unsteady Flows       (Nul)
Boiling and Condensation   (Ni)
       Introduction       (Nia)
       Pool Boiling on Horizontal Surface       (Nib)
       Nucleate Boiling on Horizontal Surface       (Nic)
       Film Boiling on Horizontal Surface       (Nid)
       Leidenfrost Effect       (Nie)
       Boiling on Vertical Surface       (Nif)
       Film Boiling on Vertical Surface       (Nig)
       Condensation       (Nih)
       Film Condensation       (Nii)
Flow patterns   (Nj)
       Multiphase Flow Patterns       (Nja)
       Examples of Flow Regime Maps       (Njb)
       Slurry Flow Regimes       (Njc)
       Vertical Pipe Flow       (Njd)
       Flow Pattern Classifications       (Nje)
       Disperse Phase Separation and Dispersion       (Njf)
       Example: Horizontal Pipe Flow       (Njg)
       Particle Size and Particle Fission       (Njh)
       Examples of Flow-determined Bubble Size       (Nji)
       Bubbly or Mist Flow Limits       (Njj)
       Other Bubbly Flow Limits       (Njk)
       Other Particle Size Effects       (Njl)
       Stability of Disperse Mixtures       (Njm)
       Inhomogeneity Instability of Vertical Flows       (Njn)
       Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability       (Njo)
       Stratified Flow Instability       (Njp)
       Annular Flow Instability       (Njq)
            Two-Component Flow Videos
            Three-Component Flow Videos
Energy conversion   (Nk)
       Introduction       (Nka)
       Disperse Horizontal Flow Friction       (Nkb)
       Homogeneous Flow Friction       (Nkc)
       Heterogeneous Flow Friction       (Nkd)
       Vertical Flow Friction       (Nke)
       Two Component Separated Flow Friction       (Nkf)
       Friction with Phase Change       (Nkg)
       Multiphase Flow in Pumps       (Nkh)
Homogeneous Flows   (Nl)
       Introduction       (Nla)
       Sonic Speed       (Nlb)
       Sonic Speed at Higher Frequencies       (Nlc)
       Sonic Speed with Phase Change       (Nld)
       Barotropic Relations       (Nle)
       Nozzle Flows       (Nlf)
       Vapor/Liquid Nozzle Flow       (Nlg)
       Condensation Shocks       (Nlh)
Flows with bubble dynamics   (Nm)
       Introduction       (Nma)
       Basic Equations       (Nmb)
       Acoustics of Bubbly Mixtures       (Nmc)
       Comparison with Experiments       (Nmd)
       Normal Shock Waves in Bubbly Flows       (Nme)
       Shock Waves Structure       (Nmf)
       Oblique Shock Waves       (Nmg)
       Spherical Bubble Cloud Modes       (Nmh)
       Spherical Bubble Cloud Response       (Nmi)
Flows with gas dynamics   (Nn)
       Introduction       (Nna)
       Equations for a Dusty Gas       (Nnb)
       Homogeneous Flow with Gas Dynamics       (Nnc)
       Velocity and Temperature Relaxation       (Nnd)
       Normal Shock Wave       (Nne)
       Acoustic Damping       (Nnf)
       Linear Stability of Laminar Flow       (Nng)
       Flow over a Wavy Wall       (Nnh)
       Small Slip Perturbation       (Nni)
Sprays   (No)
       Introduction       (Noa)
       Ocean Spray       (Nob)
       Spray Formation by Bubbling       (Noc)
       Spray Formation by Wind Shear       (Nod)
       Spray Formation by Initially Laminar Jets       (Noe)
       Spray Formation by Turbulent Jets       (Nof)
       Single Droplet Mechanics       (Nog)
       Single Droplet Combustion       (Noh)
       Spray Combustion       (Noi)
Granular flows   (Np)
       Introduction       (Npa)
       Particle Interaction Models       (Npb)
       Computer Simulations       (Npc)
       Wave Propagation       (Nps)
       Effects of Vibration       (Npt)
       Soil Liquefaction       (Npu)
       Flow Regimes       (Npd)
       Flow Regime Rheologies       (Npe)
       Flow Regime Boundaries       (Npf)
       Slow Granular Flow       (Npg)
       Mohr-Coulomb Models       (Nph)
       Hopper Flows       (Npi)
       Rapid Granular Flow       (Npj)
       Chute Flow       (Npq)
       Heat Transfer       (Npr)
       Examples of Rapid Flow Equations       (Npk)
       Boundary Conditions       (Npl)
       Rapid Flow Simulations       (Npm)
       Effect of Interstitial Fluid       (Npn)
       Particle Collisions       (Npo)
       Classes of Interstitial Fluid Effects       (Npp)
             Shear Flow Simulation Videos
             Chute Flow Simulation Videos
             Mixture Flow Simulation Videos
             Force Chain Videos
             Wave Propagation Videos
             Vibration Effects Videos
             Booming Dunes Videos
Drift flux models   (Nq)
       Introduction       (Nqa)
       Drift Flux Method       (Nqb)
       Vertical Pipe Flow       (Nqc)
       Fluidized Bed       (Nqd)
       Pool Boiling Crisis       (Nqe)
       Corrections for Pipe Flows       (Nqf)
System instablities   (Nr)
       Introduction       (Nra)
       System Structure       (Nrb)
       Quasistatic Stability       (Nrc)
       Turbomachine Surge       (Nrd)
       Ledinegg Instability       (Nre)
       Geyser Instability       (Nrf)
       Concentration Waves       (Nrg)
       Dynamic Instabilities       (Nrh)
       Cavitation Surge in Pumps       (Nri)
       Chugging and Condensation Oscillations       (Nrj)
       Unsteady Internal Flow Methods       (Nrk)
       Transfer Functions       (Nrl)
       Uniform Homogeneous Flow       (Nrm)
       Non-Cavitating Pumps       (Nrp)
       Cavitating Inducers       (Nrq)
       Bubbly Flow Model for Cavitating Inducers       (Nrt)
       Cavitating Turbine       (Nrr)
       Cavitating Propeller       (Nrs)
Kinematic waves   (Ns)
       Introduction       (Nsa)
       Kinematic Wave Analysis       (Nsb)
       Kinematic Wave Speed at Flooding       (Nsc)
       Kinematic Waves in Steady Flows       (Nsd)
       Kinematic Shock Waves       (Nse)
       Kinematic Shock Stability       (Nsf)
       Compressibility and Phase Change Effects       (Nsg)
       Batch Sedimentation       (Nsh)
       Dynamics of Cavitating Pumps       (Nsi)
       Two-dimensional Shocks       (Nsj)

Last updated 4/9/04.
Christopher E. Brennen