Introduction   (Npa)
Particle Interaction Models   (Npb)
Computer Simulations   (Npc)
Wave Propagation   (Nps)
Effects of Vibration   (Npt)
Soil Liquefaction   (Npu)
Flow Regimes   (Npd)
Flow Regime Rheologies   (Npe)
Flow Regime Boundaries   (Npf)
Slow Granular Flow   (Npg)
Mohr-Coulomb Models   (Nph)
Hopper Flows   (Npi)
Rapid Granular Flow   (Npj)
Examples of Rapid Flow Equations   (Npk)
Boundary Conditions   (Npl)
Rapid Flow Simulations   (Npm)
Chute Flows   (Npq)
Heat Transfer   (Npr)
Effect of Interstitial Fluid   (Npn)
Particle Collisions   (Npo)
Classes of Interstitial Fluid Effects   (Npp)
      Shear Flow Simulation Videos
      Chute Flow Simulation Videos
      Mixture Flow Simulation Videos
      Force Chain Videos
      Wave Propagation Videos
      Vibration Effects Videos
      Booming Dunes Videos

Last updated 4/9/04.
Christopher E. Brennen