Introduction to Fluid Machinery   (Ma)
      Introduction      (Maa)
      Turbomachines       (Mac)
      Cavitation      (Mad)
      Unsteady Flows      (Mae)
Pumps   (Mb)
      Introduction to Pumps       (Mba)
      Types of Pumps       (Mbg)
      Fluid Mechanics of Centrifugal and Axial Flow Pumps      (Mbb)
             Geometric Notation             (Mbba)
             Cascades             (Mbbb)
             Flow Notation             (Mbbc)
             Specific Speed             (Mbbd)
             Pump Geometries             (Mbbe)
             Energy Balance             (Mbbf)
             Idealized Non-cavitating Pump Performance             (Mbbg)
             Four-quadrant Performance             (Mbbj)
             Pumps in Parallel             (Mbbh)
             Pumps in Series             (Mbbk)
      Two-dimensional Performance Analyses      (Mbc)
             Introduction            (Mbca)
             Linear Cascade Analyses            (Mbcb)
             Deviation Angle            (Mbcc)
             Viscous Effects in Linear Cascades            (Mbcd)
             Radial Cascade Analyses            (Mbce)
             Viscous Effects in Radial Flows            (Mbcf)
      Other Flow Features      (Mbd)
             Three-Dimensional Flow Effects             (Mbdb)
             Radial Equilibrium Example             (Mbdc)
             Discharge Flow Management             (Mbdd)
             Prerotation             (Mbde)
             Other Secondary Flows             (Mbdf)
      Jet Pumps      (Mbh)
      Compressors      (Mbi)
      Positive Displacement Pumps      (Mbj)
      Cavitation      (Mbe)
             Introduction             (Mbea)
             Cavitation Parameters             (Mbeb)
             Cavitation Inception             (Mbec)
             Scaling of Cavitation Inception             (Mbed)
             Pump Performance             (Mbee)
             Types of Impeller Cavitation             (Mbef)
             Cavitation Inception Data             (Mbeg)
             Cavitation Bubble Dynamics             (Mbew)
             Cavitation Damage             (Mbeh)
             Mechanism of Cavitation Damage             (Mbex)
             Cavitation Noise             (Mbei)
             Cavitating Pump Performance             (Mbej)
             Inducer Designs             (Mbem)
             Inducer Performance             (Mben)
             Effects of Inducer Geometry             (Mbep)
             Analyses of Cavitation in Pumps             (Mbeq)
             Thermal Effect on Pump Performance             (Mber)
             Free Streamline Methods             (Mbes)
             Supercavitating Cascades             (Mbet)
             Partially Cavitating Cascades             (Mbeu)
             Cavitation Performance Correlations             (Mbev)
                     Inducer Cavitation Videos
                     Pump Cavitation Videos
      Pump Vibration       (Mbf)
             Introduction            (Mbfa)
             Frequencies of Oscillation            (Mbfb)
             Unsteady Flows            (Mbfc)
             Rotating Stall            (Mbfd)
             Rotating Cavitation            (Mbfe)
             Surge            (Mbff)
             Auto-oscillation            (Mbfg)
             Rotor-Stator Interaction: Flow Patterns            (Mbfh)
             Rotor-Stator Interaction: Forces            (Mbfi)
             Developed Cavity Oscillation            (Mbfj)
             Acoustic Resonances            (Mbfk)
             Blade Flutter            (Mbfm)
             Pogo Instabilities            (Mbfn)
Turbines   (Md)
      Introduction       (Mda)
      Types of Turbines       (Mdb)
      Pelton Wheel       (Mdc)
      Impulse and Reaction Turbines       (Mdd)
      Basic Fluid Mechanics of Turbines       (Mde)
      Two-dimensional Analyses       (Mdi)
      Reaction Turbines       (Mdj)
      Propeller and Kaplan Turbines       (Mdf)
      Francis Turbine       (Mdg)
      Cavitation in Turbines       (Mdh)
Fluid Couplings   (Me)
      Introduction         (Mea)
      Performance Analysis        (Meb)
      Reversible Fluid Coupling      (Mec)
Rotordynamics of Fluid Machinery   (Mc)
      Introduction       (Mca)
      Notation       (Mcb)
      Hydrodynamic Bearings and Seals      (Mcc)
      Bearings at Low Reynolds Numbers      (Mcd)
      Annulus at High Reynolds Numbers      (Mce)
      Squeeze Film Dampers      (Mcf)
      Turbulent Annular Seals      (Mcg)
       Labyrinth Seals      (Mch)
       Blade Tip Rotordynamic Effects      (Mci)
       Steady Radial Forces      (Mcj)
       Effect of Cavitation      (Mck)
       Centrifugal Pumps      (Mcm)
       Moments and Lines of Action      (Mcn)
       Axial Flow Inducers      (Mcp)
Propellers   (Mf)
       Introduction       (Mfa)
       Propellers       (Mfb)
       Performance       (Mfc)
       Efficiency       (Mfd)
       Propeller Cavitation       (Mfe)
       Propeller Cavitation Damage       (Mff)
       Cavitation Performance       (Mfg)
       Dynamic Characteristics       (Mfh)
                Propeller Cavitation Videos
Flow Valves   (Mg)
       Hydraulic Valves       (Mga)
       Hydraulic Control       (Mgb)
References M

Last updated 4/9/04.
Christopher E. Brennen