by Christopher Earls Brennen © Concepts NREC 1994
ROMAN LETTERS a Pipe radius A Cross-sectional area Aijk Coefficients of pump dynamic characteristics [A] Rotordynamic force matrix Ar Cross-sectional area ratio B Breadth of passage or flow [B] Rotordynamic moment matrix c Chord of the blade or foil c Speed of sound c Rotordynamic coefficient: cross-coupled damping cb Interblade spacing cPL Specific heat of liquid C Compliance C Rotordynamic coefficient: direct damping CD Drag coefficient CL Lift coefficient Cp Coefficient of pressure Cpmin Minimum coefficient of pressure d Ratio of blade thickness to blade spacing D Impeller diameter or typical flow dimension Df Diffusion factor DT Determinant of transfer matrix [T] e Specific internal energy E Energy flux E Young's modulus f Friction coefficient F Force g Acceleration due to gravity gs Component of g in the s direction h Specific enthalpy h Blade tip spacing hp Pitch of a helix hT Total specific enthalpy h* Piezometric head H Total head rise H(s,θ,t) Clearance geometry I Acoustic impulse I,J Integers such that ω/Ω=I/J IP Pump impedance j Square root of -1 k Rotordynamic coefficient: cross-coupled stiffness kL Thermal conductivity of the liquid K Rotordynamic coefficient: direct stiffness KG Gas constant ℓ Pipe length or distance to measuring point L Lift L Inertance L Axial length Latent heat m Mass flow rate m Rotordynamic coefficient: cross-coupled added mass mG Mass of gas in bubble mD Constant related to the drag coefficient mL Constant related to the lift coefficient M Moment M Mach number, u/c M Rotordynamic coefficient: direct added mass n Coordinate measured normal to a surface N Specific speed N(RN) Cavitation nuclei number density distribution function NPSP Net positive suction pressure NPSE Net positive suction energy NPSH Net positive suction head p Pressure pA Radiated acoustic pressure pT Total pressure pG Partial pressure of gas pS Sound pressure level pV Vapor pressure P Power Vector of fluctuating quantities Q Volume flow rate (or heat) Rate of heat addition r Radial coordinate in turbomachine R Radial dimension in turbomachine R Bubble radius R Resistance RN Cavitation nucleus radius Re Reynolds number s Coordinate measured in the direction of flow s Solidity Surface tension of the saturated vapor/liquid interface S Suction specific speed Si Inception suction specific speed Sa Fractional head loss suction specific speed Sb Breakdown suction specific speed Sf Slip factor t Time T Temperature or torque Tij Transfer matrix elements [T] Transfer matrix based on ,
[T*] Transfer matrix based on ,
[TP] Pump transfer matrix [TS] System transfer matrix u Velocity in the s or x directions ui Velocity vector U Fluid velocity U∞ Velocity of upstream uniform flow v Fluid velocity in non-rotating frame V Volume or fluid velocity w Fluid velocity in rotating frame Rate of work done on the fluid z Elevation ZCF Common factor of ZR and ZS ZR Number of rotor blades ZS Number of stator blades GREEK LETTERS α Angle of incidence αL Thermal diffusivity of liquid β Angle of relative velocity vector βb Blade angle relative to cross-plane γn Wave propagation speed Γ Geometric constant δ Deviation angle at flow discharge δ Clearance ε Eccentricity ε Angle of turn η Efficiency θ Angular coordinate θc Camber angle θ* Momentum thickness of a blade wake Θ Thermal term in the Rayleigh-Plesset equation Inclination of discharge flow to the axis of rotation κ Bulk modulus of the liquid μ Dynamic viscosity ν Kinematic viscosity ρ Density of fluid σ Cavitation number σi Cavitation inception number σa Fractional head loss cavitation number σb Breakdown cavitation number σc Choked cavitation number σTH Thoma cavitation factor Σ Thermal parameter for bubble growth Σ{1,2,3} Geometric constants τ Blade thickness φ Flow coefficient ψ Head coefficient ψ0 Head Coefficient at zero flow ω Radian frequency of whirl motion or other excitation ωP Bubble natural frequency Ω Radian frequency of shaft rotation SUBSCRIPTS On any variable, Q: Qo Initial value, upstream value or reservoir value Q1 Value at inlet Q2 Value at discharge Qa Component in the axial direction Qb Pertaining to the blade Q∞ Value far from the bubble or in the upstream flow QB Value in the bubble QC Critical value QD Design value QE Equilibrium value QG Value for the gas QH1 Value at the inlet hub QH2 Value at the discharge hub Qi Components of vector Q Qi Pertaining to a section, i, of the hydraulic system QL Saturated liquid value Qm Meridional component QM Mean or maximum value QN Nominal conditions or pertaining to nuclei Qn,Qt Components normal and tangential to whirl orbit QP Pertaining to the pump Qr Component in the radial direction Qs Component in the s direction QT1 Value at the inlet tip QT2 Value at the discharge tip QV Saturated vapor value Qx Component in the x direction Qy Component in the y direction Qθ Component in the circumferential (or θ) direction SUPERSCRIPTS AND OTHER QUALIFIERS On any variable, Q: Mean value of Q or complex conjugate of Q Complex amplitude of oscillating Q Time derivative of Q Second time derivative of Q Q* Rotordynamics: denotes dimensional Q Re{Q} Real part of Q Im{Q} Imaginary part of Q
Last updated 12/1/00.
Christopher E. Brennen