Fluid Flow Measurements
Preparation for Experiments (Ka) Design of Experiments (Kb) Experimental Techniques (Kc) Introduction (Kca) Auto- and Cross-Correlation (Kcb) Least Squares Fits (Kcc) Instrumentation (Kd) Introduction (Kda) Flow Visualization (Kdb) Introduction (Kdba) Flow Tracers (Kdbb) Particle Image Velocimetry (Kdbc) Optical Techniques (Kdbd) Flow Rate and Velocity (Kdc) Introduction (Kdca) Measurements using Bernoulli's Equation (Kdcb) Electromagnetic Flow Meters (Kdcc) Laser Velocimetry (Kdcd) Acoustic Doppler Velocimetry (Kdce) Vortex Shedding Flowmeter (Kdcf) Pressure, Stresses and Sound (Kdd) Introduction (Kdda) Manometers (Kddb) Strain Gauges (Kddc) Pressure Transducers (Kddd) Acoustic Pressures (Kdde) Forces (Kde) Introduction (Kdea) Force Balances (Kdeb) Acceleration and Vibration (Kdf) Other Fluid Measurements (Kdg) Some Facilities (Ke) Introduction (Kea) Wind Tunnels (Keb) Water Tunnels (Kec) Towing Tanks (Ked) Model Basins (Kee) References K
Last updated 4/9/04.
Christopher E. Brennen