Consulting Activities - Christopher E. Brennen
- United Nations. Consultant on mission to Central Water and Power Research Station, Poona, India, March/April 1980 (Three week lecture mission).
- University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland. Consultation on university administration issues, 1998.
- University of Notre Dame, South Bend, Indiana, 1998. Member of Visiting Committee, Department of Mechanical Engineering.
- Kogakuin University, Tokyo, Japan. Consultation on university administration issues, 1999.
- University of Toronto, Canada. Chair of Visiting Committee, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 1999.
- Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan. Member of Visiting Committee, Institute of Fluid Science, Jan. 2000.
- Center for Smart Control of Turbulence, Japan. Member of Evaluation Committee, 2001.
- Association of Research Libraries, 2002. Consultation on Institutional Repositories.
- Worcester Polytechnic Institute, MA. Member of Visiting Committee, Department of Mechanical Engineering.
- University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA. Member of the Visiting Committee, Aeronautical and Mechanical Engineering Department, 2009-2012.
- Nuclear Regulatory Commission (Aerosol Release and Transport (ART) program), Bethesda, Maryland. Consultant to ART program on the fluid and bubble mechanics of accidents in Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactors.
- Lockheed Missiles and Space Co., Palo Alto, California. Consultant on the design of a variable orientation water tunnel.
- Developmental Sciences Inc., City of Industry, California. On the cavitation performance of water inlets for water jet propelled marine vehicles.
- Bechtel Corporation, California. On the effect of air content on the cavitation performance of cooling pumps.
- Byron Jackson Pump Division, Borg-Warner Corporation, California. On the performance of the liquid sodium pumps for Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactors.
- Abe Schestopol, San Bernardino, California. Water injection and disposal in exhaust systems.
- General Engineering and Technology Co., Los Angeles, Analysis of water hammer pressures involved in an oil-pipeline accident in Long Beach, CA.
- N.A.S.A. Pogo Panel, Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas. Regular consultant to the NASA Pogo Panel on the unsteady dynamic performance of the fuel and oxidizer turbopumps in the Shuttle Space Vehicle.
- N.A.S.A., George Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Alabama and Rocketdyne Division, Rockwell International, Canoga Park, California. Consultant on various Review Panels for the Turbopumps in the Space Shuttle Main Engine.
- Ralph M. Parsons Company, Pasadena. Consultant on boiling water reactor problems.
- Byron Jackson Pump Division. Consultant on centrifugal pump failures due to dynamic loading.
- U.S. Navy, Civil Engineering Laboratory, NCBC, Port Hueneme, California. Consultant on the two-phase flow aspects of deep sea recovery by venting pontoons.
- Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Research Branch, Silver Springs, Maryland. Consulting report on the state of knowledge of boiling water reactor suppression pool dynamics.
- Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia. Consulting on research program on cavitation dynamics in aircraft hydraulic systems (with Professor C.S. Martin).
- Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York. Visiting Associate Scientist (Summer 1978) in the Department of Nuclear Energy.
- Brookhaven National Laboratory and Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Retained consultant on Nuclear Reactor Safety.
- Maxwell Cheung \& Associates and Global Marine. Analysis of response of OTEC system to ship motions.
- Brookhaven National Laboratory. Visiting Scientist, Summer 1979.
- Space Division, Rockwell International. LOX drain problems on Space Shuttle.
- McDonnel-Douglas Astronautics. Damage problems in LNG tanks.
- Roetzel and Andres, lawyers. Technical guidance in mercury switch failure problem.
- NASA and Rocketdyne Division, Rockwell International. Shutdown problems with Space Shuttle Engine.
- Garrett Airesearch Man. Co., Phoenix, Arizona. Analysis of water test rig for turbine testing.
- D.E.C. Aerodynamic loading on solar panels.
- Western Instruments, Port Hueneme, California. Analysis of effect of submarine passage on tied cables.
- Univ. of California, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory. Retained as consultant on granular material flows.
- U.S. Navy, Civil Engineering Lab., NCBC, Port Hueneme, Calif. Report on added mass and unsteady flow phenomena.
- Bi-phase Energy Systems, Santa Monica. Analysis of steady and unsteady performance of bi-phase turbine.
- Concepts ETI Inc., Vermont, 1984-99. Lectures on Cavitation and Rotodynamics of pumps.
- J.C. Carter Company. Analysis of stall in staged centrifugal pumps for LNG.
- IBM, Tucson, 1984. Consultation on the flow of granular developer in dry copying machines.
- Pacific Pump, 1984. Consulting on instability and rotodynamic analyses in petrochemical pumps.
- Worthington Pump. Consultation on design of pump research facility.
- Ingersoll Rand, 1987. Consultation on pump performance problems.
- Rocketdyne Division, Rockwell International. Rotordynamic analyses of Space Shuttle engine turbopumps.
- IBIS Systems. Consultation on unsteady flow problems in gigabyte, hard disk memory systems.
- Sunstrand, Rockford, Illinois. Consulting on vibration problems in high speed fuel pumps for jet engines.
- Westech Corporation and U.S. Navy, 1985-88. Consultation and analysis of performance of reversible fluid coupling for the power train in U.S. Navy vessels.
- Aerospace Corporation, El Segundo, CA, 1987-89. Consultation on TITAN rocket engines.
- Schlumberger, Cambridge, England, 1986. Consultation on multiphase flow instrumentation and oil well analysis instruments.
- Societe Europeenne de Propulsion (SEP), Vernon, France, 1986-88. Consultation on design of new rocket engine for Ariane V vehicle.
- Pradco, U.S.A, 1988. Consultant on pumps and cavitation to this research consortium in which all major U.S. pump manufacturers were involved.
- Bioject, Portland, Oregon, 1988. Constructed model of the performance of a needle-less injection system.
- Rocketdyne Division, Rockwell International, 1991. Consultation on performance of shrouded inducer.
- Vickers, Inc., Jackson, Mississippi. Consultation on aircraft fuel-pump inducer design.
- Centrilift Pumps, 1991. Consultation on issues associated with submersible oil well pumps.
- Max Cheung and Associates. Consultation on propeller/hull interaction problem.
- Sonatech, Santa Barbara. Consultation on design of sonar domes.
- Robert Born. Consultation on hydraulic valve condition.
- SECA, Huntsville, Alabama, 1992. Consultation on numerical calculations of radial forces in centrifugal pumps.
- Creare, Hanover, New Hampshire, 1991. Consultation on role of cavitation in homogenization valves.
- Carver Pump Company, Iowa. On the design of some inducers.
- Battelle, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Hanford, Wa. On multiphase flow problems associated with nuclear waste disposal.
- MCA Engineers, Costa Mesa. Program for analysis of vapor recovery system in large oil refinery.
- Allied Signal, Los Angeles. Rotordynamic analysis of a high speed turbopump.
- SECA, Inc., Huntsville, Alabama, 1992. Consultation on radial force measurements and calculations for rocket pumps.
- Hughes, Hubbard and Reed, New York lawyers, 1994. Hydraulic analysis of superheater flows.
- Hawker-Siddeley, Canada (Orenda Division). Analysis and recommendations for aircraft engine coolant pump.
- TherOx Inc., Costa Mesa, 1995-99. Evaluation of nucleation in supersaturated fluid system.
- Christensen, O'Connor, Johnson and Kindness, Seattle (lawyers) and, later, Mason, Kolhmainen, Rathburn and Wyss, Chicago (lawyers), 1996-99. Consultation on patent case involving spray can systems.
- ARCO Los Angeles Oil Refinery, 1996. Lecture courses on basic hydraulics and turbomachinery.
- MCA Engineers, Costa Mesa, 1996. Program for analysis of steam supply system in large oil refinery. Analysis of pump vibration problems.
- Esco Corporation, San Diego, 1996. Consultation on hydraulic hammer operation.
- Sulzer Carbomedics Inc., Austin, Texas, 1998-99. Cavitation in heart valves and artificial heart valve testing devices.
- Crane Hydro-Aire, Burbank, 1999. Consultation on aircraft fuel pump vibration and cavitation problem.
- Westinghouse Savannah River Project, South Carolina, 1998. Consultation on trapped gas program in nuclear waste tanks.
- Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA, 1999. Consultation on pump deployment in nuclear waste tank.
- Homax Products Inc., Bellingham, WA, 1999. Consultation on design of wall-coating spray gun.
- Wet Labs, Sun Valley, CA, 2000. Consultation pump vibration.
- US Navy David Taylor Model Basin, Carderock, Maryland, 2000. Consultation on cavitation acoustics.
- KADY International, Scarborough, Maine, 2000. Consultation on waste water treatment by cavitation.
- TRW, El Segundo, Cal., 2000-2001. Consultation on cavitating pump design and performance.
- Caterpillar, Inc., Pontiac, IL, 2002. Consultation on fuel injection system cavitation.
- Japanese Government, 2001-2006. Member of the Research Evaluation Committee, Japanese National Research Project on "Smart Control of Turbulence".
- Energy Recovery, Inc, San Leandro, CA, 2002. Consultation on multiphase flow.
- ConceptsNRC, White River Junction, VT, 2003. Consultation on facility for measurement of cavitating pump dynamics.
- Indiana 21st Century Research & Technology Fund, Indianapolis, IN, 2003-5. Research proposal review panel.
- Lockheed Martin Astronautics, Denver, CO, 2003-04. Consultation and lectures on turbopump dynamics.
- Rocketdyne Division, Boeing Corporation, Canoga Park, CA, 2003. Consultation on turbopump rotordynamics.
- Carter Cryogenic Products Division, Argo-Tech Corporation, Costa Mesa, CA, 2003. Lectures on multiphase flows in pumps.
- Pratt & Whitney Space Propulsion, West Palm Beach, FL, 2005. Consultation of turbopump rotordynamics.
- International Center for Mechanical Sciences (CISM), Udine, Italy, 2005. Lecture series on cavitation and pump dynamics.
- Chair of legally constituted Expert Panel charged with resolving technical dispute between Southern Nevada Water Authority and the pump manufacturer Flowserve, 2005.
- City and County of Honolulu, HI, 2005-07. Testing and analysis of vibration and cavitation problems in wastewater pumps.
- City of Ontario, CA, 2006. Consultation on vibration problem with groundwater pumps.
- Aerojet, Woodland Hills, CA, 2006. Consultation on radial forces in turbopumps.
- Flowscience Inc., Pasadena, CA, 2006. Consultation on wastewater pump performance.
- Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Hanford, WA, 2006. Analysis of pumping options for evacuation of nuclear waste tanks.
- Electric Boat Division, General Electric, Groton, CT, 2006-2007. Consultation on high speed marine vehicle.
- Los Angeles County Sanitation District, 2008. Consultation on sanitation pump problems.
- Aqua Pneumatics, Las Vegas, NV, 2008. Consultation on water flow problems.
- NIH, Washinton, D.C., 2009. Consultation on the development of artifical hearts for infants.
- General Electric, 2009. Consultation on pump problems.
- SpaceX, Hawthorne, CA. 2010. Consultation on liquid-propelled rocket engine pumps.
- J.C.Carter Pumps/Atlas-Copco, Newport Beach, CA, 2012. Consultation on cryogenic pump testing and analysis.
- A.T.A. Engineering, San Diego, CA. 2013-14, for NASA. Consultation on pump blade vibration modeling.
- Sea Launch Program, 2013. Consultation on Sea Launch failure.
- M.I.T. Gas Turbine Laboratory, 2013-16, for NASA and in association with Aerospace Corporation. Consultation on liquid-propelled rocket engine pumps.
- Tom Gilbertson, 2014. Consultation on damage in a hot water system.
- Dominion Engineering Inc., Reston, VA, 2014-2015, for Hanford Nuclear Laboratories. Consultation on shock propagation in bubbly liquids.
- SpaceX, Hawthorne, CA. 2016. Consultation on Helium tank failure.
- Westinghouse, 2016.
Christopher E. Brennen,