Consulting Activities - Christopher E. Brennen


  1. United Nations. Consultant on mission to Central Water and Power Research Station, Poona, India, March/April 1980 (Three week lecture mission).
  2. University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland. Consultation on university administration issues, 1998.
  3. University of Notre Dame, South Bend, Indiana, 1998. Member of Visiting Committee, Department of Mechanical Engineering.
  4. Kogakuin University, Tokyo, Japan. Consultation on university administration issues, 1999.
  5. University of Toronto, Canada. Chair of Visiting Committee, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 1999.
  6. Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan. Member of Visiting Committee, Institute of Fluid Science, Jan. 2000.
  7. Center for Smart Control of Turbulence, Japan. Member of Evaluation Committee, 2001.
  8. Association of Research Libraries, 2002. Consultation on Institutional Repositories.
  9. Worcester Polytechnic Institute, MA. Member of Visiting Committee, Department of Mechanical Engineering.
  10. University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA. Member of the Visiting Committee, Aeronautical and Mechanical Engineering Department, 2009-2012.


  1. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (Aerosol Release and Transport (ART) program), Bethesda, Maryland. Consultant to ART program on the fluid and bubble mechanics of accidents in Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactors.
  2. Lockheed Missiles and Space Co., Palo Alto, California. Consultant on the design of a variable orientation water tunnel.
  3. Developmental Sciences Inc., City of Industry, California. On the cavitation performance of water inlets for water jet propelled marine vehicles.
  4. Bechtel Corporation, California. On the effect of air content on the cavitation performance of cooling pumps.
  5. Byron Jackson Pump Division, Borg-Warner Corporation, California. On the performance of the liquid sodium pumps for Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactors.
  6. Abe Schestopol, San Bernardino, California. Water injection and disposal in exhaust systems.
  7. General Engineering and Technology Co., Los Angeles, Analysis of water hammer pressures involved in an oil-pipeline accident in Long Beach, CA.
  8. N.A.S.A. Pogo Panel, Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas. Regular consultant to the NASA Pogo Panel on the unsteady dynamic performance of the fuel and oxidizer turbopumps in the Shuttle Space Vehicle.
  9. N.A.S.A., George Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Alabama and Rocketdyne Division, Rockwell International, Canoga Park, California. Consultant on various Review Panels for the Turbopumps in the Space Shuttle Main Engine.
  10. Ralph M. Parsons Company, Pasadena. Consultant on boiling water reactor problems.
  11. Byron Jackson Pump Division. Consultant on centrifugal pump failures due to dynamic loading.
  12. U.S. Navy, Civil Engineering Laboratory, NCBC, Port Hueneme, California. Consultant on the two-phase flow aspects of deep sea recovery by venting pontoons.
  13. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Research Branch, Silver Springs, Maryland. Consulting report on the state of knowledge of boiling water reactor suppression pool dynamics.
  14. Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia. Consulting on research program on cavitation dynamics in aircraft hydraulic systems (with Professor C.S. Martin).
  15. Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York. Visiting Associate Scientist (Summer 1978) in the Department of Nuclear Energy.
  16. Brookhaven National Laboratory and Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Retained consultant on Nuclear Reactor Safety.
  17. Maxwell Cheung \& Associates and Global Marine. Analysis of response of OTEC system to ship motions.
  18. Brookhaven National Laboratory. Visiting Scientist, Summer 1979.
  19. Space Division, Rockwell International. LOX drain problems on Space Shuttle.
  20. McDonnel-Douglas Astronautics. Damage problems in LNG tanks.
  21. Roetzel and Andres, lawyers. Technical guidance in mercury switch failure problem.
  22. NASA and Rocketdyne Division, Rockwell International. Shutdown problems with Space Shuttle Engine.
  23. Garrett Airesearch Man. Co., Phoenix, Arizona. Analysis of water test rig for turbine testing.
  24. D.E.C. Aerodynamic loading on solar panels.
  25. Western Instruments, Port Hueneme, California. Analysis of effect of submarine passage on tied cables.
  26. Univ. of California, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory. Retained as consultant on granular material flows.
  27. U.S. Navy, Civil Engineering Lab., NCBC, Port Hueneme, Calif. Report on added mass and unsteady flow phenomena.
  28. Bi-phase Energy Systems, Santa Monica. Analysis of steady and unsteady performance of bi-phase turbine.
  29. Concepts ETI Inc., Vermont, 1984-99. Lectures on Cavitation and Rotodynamics of pumps.
  30. J.C. Carter Company. Analysis of stall in staged centrifugal pumps for LNG.
  31. IBM, Tucson, 1984. Consultation on the flow of granular developer in dry copying machines.
  32. Pacific Pump, 1984. Consulting on instability and rotodynamic analyses in petrochemical pumps.
  33. Worthington Pump. Consultation on design of pump research facility.
  34. Ingersoll Rand, 1987. Consultation on pump performance problems.
  35. Rocketdyne Division, Rockwell International. Rotordynamic analyses of Space Shuttle engine turbopumps.
  36. IBIS Systems. Consultation on unsteady flow problems in gigabyte, hard disk memory systems.
  37. Sunstrand, Rockford, Illinois. Consulting on vibration problems in high speed fuel pumps for jet engines.
  38. Westech Corporation and U.S. Navy, 1985-88. Consultation and analysis of performance of reversible fluid coupling for the power train in U.S. Navy vessels.
  39. Aerospace Corporation, El Segundo, CA, 1987-89. Consultation on TITAN rocket engines.
  40. Schlumberger, Cambridge, England, 1986. Consultation on multiphase flow instrumentation and oil well analysis instruments.
  41. Societe Europeenne de Propulsion (SEP), Vernon, France, 1986-88. Consultation on design of new rocket engine for Ariane V vehicle.
  42. Pradco, U.S.A, 1988. Consultant on pumps and cavitation to this research consortium in which all major U.S. pump manufacturers were involved.
  43. Bioject, Portland, Oregon, 1988. Constructed model of the performance of a needle-less injection system.
  44. Rocketdyne Division, Rockwell International, 1991. Consultation on performance of shrouded inducer.
  45. Vickers, Inc., Jackson, Mississippi. Consultation on aircraft fuel-pump inducer design.
  46. Centrilift Pumps, 1991. Consultation on issues associated with submersible oil well pumps.
  47. Max Cheung and Associates. Consultation on propeller/hull interaction problem.
  48. Sonatech, Santa Barbara. Consultation on design of sonar domes.
  49. Robert Born. Consultation on hydraulic valve condition.
  50. SECA, Huntsville, Alabama, 1992. Consultation on numerical calculations of radial forces in centrifugal pumps.
  51. Creare, Hanover, New Hampshire, 1991. Consultation on role of cavitation in homogenization valves.
  52. Carver Pump Company, Iowa. On the design of some inducers.
  53. Battelle, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Hanford, Wa. On multiphase flow problems associated with nuclear waste disposal.
  54. MCA Engineers, Costa Mesa. Program for analysis of vapor recovery system in large oil refinery.
  55. Allied Signal, Los Angeles. Rotordynamic analysis of a high speed turbopump.
  56. SECA, Inc., Huntsville, Alabama, 1992. Consultation on radial force measurements and calculations for rocket pumps.
  57. Hughes, Hubbard and Reed, New York lawyers, 1994. Hydraulic analysis of superheater flows.
  58. Hawker-Siddeley, Canada (Orenda Division). Analysis and recommendations for aircraft engine coolant pump.
  59. TherOx Inc., Costa Mesa, 1995-99. Evaluation of nucleation in supersaturated fluid system.
  60. Christensen, O'Connor, Johnson and Kindness, Seattle (lawyers) and, later, Mason, Kolhmainen, Rathburn and Wyss, Chicago (lawyers), 1996-99. Consultation on patent case involving spray can systems.
  61. ARCO Los Angeles Oil Refinery, 1996. Lecture courses on basic hydraulics and turbomachinery.
  62. MCA Engineers, Costa Mesa, 1996. Program for analysis of steam supply system in large oil refinery. Analysis of pump vibration problems.
  63. Esco Corporation, San Diego, 1996. Consultation on hydraulic hammer operation.
  64. Sulzer Carbomedics Inc., Austin, Texas, 1998-99. Cavitation in heart valves and artificial heart valve testing devices.
  65. Crane Hydro-Aire, Burbank, 1999. Consultation on aircraft fuel pump vibration and cavitation problem.
  66. Westinghouse Savannah River Project, South Carolina, 1998. Consultation on trapped gas program in nuclear waste tanks.
  67. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA, 1999. Consultation on pump deployment in nuclear waste tank.
  68. Homax Products Inc., Bellingham, WA, 1999. Consultation on design of wall-coating spray gun.
  69. Wet Labs, Sun Valley, CA, 2000. Consultation pump vibration.
  70. US Navy David Taylor Model Basin, Carderock, Maryland, 2000. Consultation on cavitation acoustics.
  71. KADY International, Scarborough, Maine, 2000. Consultation on waste water treatment by cavitation.
  72. TRW, El Segundo, Cal., 2000-2001. Consultation on cavitating pump design and performance.
  73. Caterpillar, Inc., Pontiac, IL, 2002. Consultation on fuel injection system cavitation.
  74. Japanese Government, 2001-2006. Member of the Research Evaluation Committee, Japanese National Research Project on "Smart Control of Turbulence".
  75. Energy Recovery, Inc, San Leandro, CA, 2002. Consultation on multiphase flow.
  76. ConceptsNRC, White River Junction, VT, 2003. Consultation on facility for measurement of cavitating pump dynamics.
  77. Indiana 21st Century Research & Technology Fund, Indianapolis, IN, 2003-5. Research proposal review panel.
  78. Lockheed Martin Astronautics, Denver, CO, 2003-04. Consultation and lectures on turbopump dynamics.
  79. Rocketdyne Division, Boeing Corporation, Canoga Park, CA, 2003. Consultation on turbopump rotordynamics.
  80. Carter Cryogenic Products Division, Argo-Tech Corporation, Costa Mesa, CA, 2003. Lectures on multiphase flows in pumps.
  81. Pratt & Whitney Space Propulsion, West Palm Beach, FL, 2005. Consultation of turbopump rotordynamics.
  82. International Center for Mechanical Sciences (CISM), Udine, Italy, 2005. Lecture series on cavitation and pump dynamics.
  83. Chair of legally constituted Expert Panel charged with resolving technical dispute between Southern Nevada Water Authority and the pump manufacturer Flowserve, 2005.
  84. City and County of Honolulu, HI, 2005-07. Testing and analysis of vibration and cavitation problems in wastewater pumps.
  85. City of Ontario, CA, 2006. Consultation on vibration problem with groundwater pumps.
  86. Aerojet, Woodland Hills, CA, 2006. Consultation on radial forces in turbopumps.
  87. Flowscience Inc., Pasadena, CA, 2006. Consultation on wastewater pump performance.
  88. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Hanford, WA, 2006. Analysis of pumping options for evacuation of nuclear waste tanks.
  89. Electric Boat Division, General Electric, Groton, CT, 2006-2007. Consultation on high speed marine vehicle.
  90. Los Angeles County Sanitation District, 2008. Consultation on sanitation pump problems.
  91. Aqua Pneumatics, Las Vegas, NV, 2008. Consultation on water flow problems.
  92. NIH, Washinton, D.C., 2009. Consultation on the development of artifical hearts for infants.
  93. General Electric, 2009. Consultation on pump problems.
  94. SpaceX, Hawthorne, CA. 2010. Consultation on liquid-propelled rocket engine pumps.
  95. J.C.Carter Pumps/Atlas-Copco, Newport Beach, CA, 2012. Consultation on cryogenic pump testing and analysis.
  96. A.T.A. Engineering, San Diego, CA. 2013-14, for NASA. Consultation on pump blade vibration modeling.
  97. Sea Launch Program, 2013. Consultation on Sea Launch failure.
  98. M.I.T. Gas Turbine Laboratory, 2013-16, for NASA and in association with Aerospace Corporation. Consultation on liquid-propelled rocket engine pumps.
  99. Tom Gilbertson, 2014. Consultation on damage in a hot water system.
  100. Dominion Engineering Inc., Reston, VA, 2014-2015, for Hanford Nuclear Laboratories. Consultation on shock propagation in bubbly liquids.
  101. SpaceX, Hawthorne, CA. 2016. Consultation on Helium tank failure.
  102. Westinghouse, 2016.

Christopher E. Brennen,