© Christopher Earls Brennen
County Fermanagh The surname Erley, Erle, Erl, Erla, Earle or Earls first made its appearance in Ireland prior to 1400 and we have documented some of these early records in Appendix 1D. In doing so we do not imply that the historical Earls are neccessarily descended from those early settlers.
There is, as yet, no agreed explanation for the presence of James and Henry Earls (see below) in Co Fermanagh in the mid-1700s. The first appearance of the name in the region is that of Francis Earls of Ballyshannon, who is listed as one of the defenders of Derry in 1689 (PRONI, Belfast). Although nowadays divided from it by the Border, Ballyshannon, on the coast of County Donegal, is very close to the townlands of Carrickgolagh and Slavin, and there are later references to Earls in Ballyshannon (see below) which suggest that they were closely related to the Earls of Slavin.
On the origins of the Earls families in Co Fermanagh there are three family traditions. Frances Bamford (formerly Earls) told Irene Calvert that she had learnt from her father, James Earls, that the first Earls in Co Fermanagh came from Devon as secretary and agent to the first Lord Enniskillen and that the surname was often spelt with an "e'' as in Earles. The question is who was meant by "the first Lord Enniskillen" for the Cole family underwent a bewildering series of changes of title. The first Cole in Fermanagh was Sir William Cole who settled there in 1607 as part of the James I plantation of Ulster. He was made "captain of the long boats and barges at Ballyshannon and Lough Erne'' by King James. Knighted in 1617, he was the first to warn the Lord Deputy of the insurrection of 1641 and subsequently raised a regiment to garrison Enniskillen. Sir William was never raised to the peerage and died in October 1653 (Alfred Webb, Compendium of Irish Biography, Lemma Publishing Co., New York. 1970). A descendant, John Cole (1709-1767), managed his father, Sir Michael Cole's estates in the early eighteenth century and substantially improved them (Mary Rogers, Prospect of Erne, Fermanagh Field Club, 1967). It was this John Cole later (1760) who was raised to the peerage as Lord [Baron] Mountflorence and it was his son William (1736-1803) who became first Viscount (1776) and Earl (1789) of Enniskillen. So the tradition might refer to either of them but more probably to John Cole, Lord Mountflorence, the contemporary of the first recorded Earls in Fermanagh.
Thomas Earls, son of William, son of John Earls and Mary McCloy, was told that the Earls family originally held land to the north of Limerick but moved north when they lost this land. There are Earls families in Counties Clare and Galway, and though the Clare and Galway families were all Roman Catholic, this would be consistent with a so-called "Old English" origin; that is to say, settlement in Ireland in the Middle Ages, before the Plantation.
Edith McNutt gave Irene Calvert many details on her family connections, tracing them back to James Earls of Doon, Tempo, County Fermanagh. She had inherited a copy of a coat of arms which appear to be the arms of the Erle family of Charborough, Dorset (see Appendix 1C) but also resemble the arms of the d'Earley family who had lands in Kilkenny as well as Berkshire, England. She said that the Earls family had been Church of Ireland but became Methodist when John Wesley visited Ireland, and there is no reason to doubt this. John Wesley, the founder with his brother Charles, of the religious movement, Methodism, visited Ireland on twenty one separate occasions between 1747 and 1789. Wesley left four volumes of journals. The journals are mainly spiritual in character but also comment on Irish life, the towns, estates and even the weather. These show he paid five visits to Enniskillen. Unfortunately the citizens of the Island town did not always give him a good reception. In his Journal for 1769 he writes: “I preached to a large number of hearers in the market place – some civil and some rude, and almost all unaffected”. The events of his visit in 1773, when two of his colleagues were stoned, led him to say that a Methodist preacher could not pass through Enniskillen without endangering his life. But by 1787 he was rejoicing in the fact that he preached in the market-house and found “the den of lions had become lambs. People assembled from all sides and were all attention. Many were cut to the heart, and many rejoiced with unspeakable joy” (http://www.impartialreporter.com/archive/2003-04-24/news/story5729.html). He visited the city again on his last visit to Ireland in 1789.
Note on Geography
Aughaward and vicinity on the eastern outskirts of Enniskillen. Historically Ireland was divided into some 60,000 townlands. The townland was used as the basic unit for all records up to and including the censuses of 1901 and 1911. Since their Anglicised spellings have varied considerably over the centuries, the modern form has been inserted in square brackets after at least the first mention and used wherever possible subsequently.
A townland may also have been divided by later parish and county boundaries. Civil parishes, e.g. Enniskillen, often coincide with but are not the same as Church of Ireland parishes. They are a subdivision of the barony, which in turn is a subdivision of the county. A small part of the civil parish of Inishmacsaint is in County Donegal and when Poor Law Unions (PLU) were founded, the area came under Ballyshannon.
The three townlands of Aughaward, Woaghternerry and Drumgarrow are very close to the town of Enniskillen, County Fermanagh, and the first two and part of the third lie within the parish of Enniskillen. Aughaward is a townland of 105 acres in the civil parish of Enniskillen. In the early 18th century these townlands were occupied by families named Earls. However, there is no evidence at present that these townlands were occupied by families named Earl/Earls before 1730. Baptism, marriage and burial records for the Church of Ireland parish of Enniskillen are available from 1666, some online, as are the records of the Church of Ireland parish of Inishmacsaint, which includes Slavin. Registration of non-Catholic marriages in Ireland begins only in 1845 and registration of births and deaths in 1864. Virtually all census records before 1901 have been destroyed except for a few fragments of the 1851 census, but the Irish Government has made available both the 1901 and the 1911 census online, free of charge.
DNA Evidence
A Y-DNA test on John Earls (born 1934) in 2009 established a base line for comparison with other Earls families. It also established his haplogroup as I2b1, the group Norstedt calls "Continental", or what we would probably recognize on the ground as Norse or Normans. This would be consistent with an Anglo-Norman or "Old English" origin for the Earls family, with the theory of a d'Erley ancestry and some connection with Earlstown, County Kilkenny. But as anything resembling documentary evidence of a connection has yet to be found the question cannot be resolved in this way alone. A Dorset descent from the Erles of Charborough or Devon ancestry seem less likely, as is the family tradition that the first Earls in Fermanagh were brought over from Devon by the "first Lord Enniskillen", as the norm for South and West England, Cornwall, Wales, etc. is haplogroup R1b2. It would definitely rule out indigenous Irish ancestry (in the male line), as haplogroup I2b1 is only found in Ireland among immigrant families.
Y-DNA testing by Ancestry.com in 2010 showed that James Frederick Earls, a direct descendant of James Earls of Slavin (born 1821) also belongs to the haplogroup I2b1 is therefore closely related (within 10 generations or so) to the above John Earls (born 1934). There is a difference of only two out of 46 markers and is confirmation that the Slavin Earls are close relatives of the Aughaward Earls. Ten generations would suggest a common ancestor about 1760 which is within the reach of our written records if we could find the appropriate connection.
Y-DNA testing by Ancestry.com in August/September 2010 showed Gordon Earls, a descendant of George Earls (born about 1810) of Carrigolagh, also to belong to haplogroup I2b1 (a difference of 4 out of 46 markers) and to be related with an MRCA (Most Recent Common Ancestor) of 18 generations to the above John Earls (born 1934). Eighteen generations would suggest a common ancestor in the mid sixteenth century.
The above results are somewhat unexpected in that they show that James Frederick Earls is more closely related to John Earls (born 1934) than he is to Gordon Earls (born 1810).
Specific Earls records
Specific records of the Earls (or Earl) in Fermanagh begin with the following. On Oct.6, 1730 Joseph Earl and Thomas Ball leased at least a portion of Aughaward from John Cole of Florencecourt [Registry of Deeds 190:14:124988]. On Apr.6, 1757 Joseph Earl sold his lease at Aughaward to James Earl for 26 pounds. The deed was witnessed by Thomas Ball, senior, his son Thomas Ball, junior, John Whiteley, weaver (all of Aughaward) and by Thomas Flannagan of Enniskillen [Registry of Deeds 190:14;124988]. This James Earl is almost certainly the James Earles who paid tithes for Aughaward in the Parish of Enniskillen and Derrybrusk in 1744 [PRONI D627/15]; he is also listed in Montgomery's Account Book for 1749/50 (James Earles, 1 pound 3 shillings and 6 pence, James Earles, Aughaward, 35 pounds - PRONI DoD/627/14/5). In 1756 James Earl (sic) appears as added to the list of seatholders in the vestry of the parish of Enniskillen (Dundas, History of Enniskillen - http://www.ulsterancestry.com/ShowFreePage.php?id=256). The previous entry was dated 1744-46. In 1757 he buys Joseph's lease in Aughaward. He is not listed as a freeholder in 1788. It is probable, but by no means certain, that Joseph and James were brothers.
Henry Earles (1732-1799) is the oldest definite ancestor of whom we are presently aware. It is however very likely that Henry's father was the James Earles mentioned above. Henry Earls is listed as a freeholder in Aghaward in 1788 in the Freeholders Register for County Fermanagh. The same list of freeholders in Aghaward in 1788 includes a Thomas Earls, a William Earls and two men called John Earls -- see also the Poll Book for County Fermanagh, 1788 (PRONI). In the Freeholders Register for County Fermanagh, 1796-1802, Henry Earls (37) of Aughaward holds land at Tyrkennedy [Barony of Tirkennedy, townland of] Aughaward valued at 40 shillings and registered on Jul.14, 1796 (PRONI). Henry Earls died at Aughaward on Nov.6, 1799 and was buried next to Enniskillen Cathedral (formerly the Church of Ireland Parish Church). His headstone reads: "This stone erected by James Earls of Aughaward in memory of his father Henery Earls who departed this life Nov. 6th, 1799 aged 67'' (MI). Beside this tombstone is that of John Earls (1763-1834) who may be one of the freeholders mentioned above. Some of the children of Henry Earls:
Thomas Earls of Aughaward, who held land at Aughaward value 40/- registered Jul.14, 1796, was too old to be Thomas Earls (1779-1872) or Thomas Earls b. 1782 and may well have been a brother of Henry Earls (1732-1799). The same Thomas Earls of Aughaward held a freehold in Aughaward in 1788 (Poll Book for Co Fermanagh, 1788). Lieutenant (sic) Thomas Earls appears in militia lists dated Jan.24, 1813, for the Fermanagh Militia as does John Crozier on Aug.17, 1811. As an officer he would not appear in the Chelsea records. The 1832 Tithe Applotment Book for the townland of Aughaward in the Parish of Enniskillen dated Oct.29, 1832, lists Thomas Earls (senior) with 2acres 1rood 0perches, annual value or yearly rent 3pounds and tithe 3 shillings. (PRONI Box 147). His son:
- James Earls (1779-1882), the son of Henry Earls, erected his father's tombstone. He was born at Aghaward in 1779 and married Sarah (last name unknown) born in the same year. Sarah died on Jan.12, 1864 and is described in her death certificate as the ``married wife of Sergeant Earls''. It is therefore likely that James Earls was a sergeant in the Fermanagh Militia whose Colonel in 1834 was Viscount Cole (Earl of Enniskillen). According to records in the State Paper Office, Dublin Castle (ref. C.S.O. Militia Lists C 1814-1838) the Lieutenant of the Fermanagh Militia on Jan.24, 1813 was Thomas Earls who could be the freeholder in Aghaward in 1788 already mentioned. James Earls died of old age in 1882 at the house of his son James Earls at Doon near Tempo, County Fermanagh; he therefore lived to the age of 103. Son James also registered his death. The death certificate gives the cause of death as ``old age'' and its duration as ``six months''! Sergeant James Earls and Sarah had four sons, John, Henry, Thomas and James as well as daughters of whom we are only able to identify one, Mary. These children are described in the next chapter.
- Alexander Earls (87) of Aughaward also held land (but not a house) at Aughaward [barony of ] Tyrkenedy (sic), value 40 shillings registered Aug.25, 1796, may also be a son of Henry Earls. The link is Thomas Ball, who by a deed on Oct.1, 1800, and another deed, conveyed at least 6 acres and 4acres 2roods of his land at Aughaward (see 1730) to Alexander Earls of Aughaward, County Fermanagh. Alexander Earls conveyed the 10acres 2roods of Aughaward received in 1800 to Landwich Crawford, farmer, of Derryheham [probably Derrykeeghan, civil parish of Enniskillen], County Fermanagh for 42pounds in a Deed witnessed by William Irvine of Enniskillen, gent., and William Crawford of Watinerry [Woaghternerry, civil parish of Enniskillen], farmer.
- Thomas Earls (1779-1872), farmer, of Aughaward and Drumgarrow, is listed next to Thomas Earls (senior) in the Tithe Applotment Book in 1832 at Aughaward as Thomas Earls (junior) and is doubtless his son. His descendants certainly believed themselves to be related to the descendants of James Earls of Aughaward. Born in 1779, he is the ancestor of the Drumgarrow Earls families. The townland of Drumgarrow consists of two parts, 60 acres in the parish of Enniskillen and 106 acres in the parish of Trory (both in the barony of Tirkennedy, County Fermanagh). In the Tithe Applotment Book Thomas Earls (1779-1872) was assessed for 4 acres 3r 0p at an annual rent of £6 6s 8d and paid tithe of 6/4d. Later, in the 1850-55 Griffiths valuation, Thomas Earls held from the Earl of Enniskillen, house, office and land measuring 8acres 3r 30p, worth £7 15s 0d (land) and 15/- (house), in the townland of Drumgarrow (both being in the civil parish of Enniskillen). [He may be identical with the Thomas Earls who was born in 1782 in the parish of Enniskillen and enlisted in the Fermanagh Regiment of Militia on Jun.9, 1803, for unlimited service. He served as a private for 1 year 52 days, as a corporal 3 years 338 days, as a private again 301 days, as a corporal 17 years 132 days and as a sergeant 2 years 288 days to Jun.24, 1829, when he was discharged on account of a reduction in the militia staff. He had lumbago and other symptoms of rheumatism and as his health was greatly impaired he was considered unfit for further service. His conduct was unexceptionable. "He is about 47 Years of age, is 5 feet 10 inches in height, fair hair, grey eyes, florid Complexion and is a weaver by trade or occupation."] Thomas Earls (1779-1872) married Jane Cadden (born before 1790, died before 1872) who predeceased him. Thomas Earls, farmer, widower, died on Apr.3, 1872, at his residence, near Drumgarrow, near Enniskillen, aged 93 years (death certificate and the Belfast News Letter, Tuesday, Apr.9, 1872); his death was attended by Thomas McManus and registered 1872, Enniskillen 7/51. The children of Thomas and Jane Cadden Earls:
- William Earls (1802-1884) did not marry. He died at the age of 82 in the Enniskillen Workhouse and was buried there.
- James Earls (1806-1873) did not marry. His death in 1873 was registered by William Earls.
- Sarah Earls (1806-1883) did not marry. Her death in June 1883 aged 77 was registered by Rebecca Earls.
- John Cadden Earls was born in 1807 (the following was constructed primarily from LDS records). It seems possible that John was a son of the above Thomas Earls (1779-1872). John became a tailor and married Theresa Crosbie, born about 1824 in Dublin. John Earls was married by banns on Nov.26, 1837, to Teresa Ann Crosbie (a witness was Matthew Crosbie). Teresia Ann Crosbie was baptized on Jan.5, 1817, in the parish of St. Mary (Roman Catholic), the daughter of Mathew and Ann (Halligan) Crosbie who owned a hotel in Dublin. John and Theresa may have helped run her parent's hotel. A John C. Earles of 13 Montgomery Street, occupation not shown, signed the William Smith O'Brien Petition in 1848-49. A Jno. Earls is listed at 80 New Street, St Peter's, in the 1851 Dublin Census abstract. However an H. and a J.A. Crosbie are each listed in different places at 15 Trinity Street, St Andrew's, as "tavern keeper" in Thom's and a J.A. Crosbey is listed at the same address in the 1851 Census abstract. Theresa Anne Earls died in Dec. 1886 in Dublin South aged 70. John died at Harold's Cross, Dublin, about 1890. John and Theresa had nine children:
- Henry Cadden Earls was born on Oct.26, 1838, in Dublin. Henry Caddon Earls, tailor, of full age, of 41 Clanbrassil Street Lower, Dublin, son of John Earls, tailor, was married on Apr.1, 1861, in the Registrar's Office, Dublin South, to Harriet Sherlock, of full age, of 68 Clanbrassil Street Lower, Dublin, daughter of Robert Sherlock, deceased, ?clerk. Henry Caddon Earls died in 1875, in Dublin South aged 36. Their children:
- William Charles Earls was born in 1862. Attested Jun.14, Manchester, Royal Dublin Fusiliers (had been member of militia), age 20 years 0 months, clerk, Church of Ireland (later became RC), height 5ft 7 1/8ins, wt. 136 lbs, red-brown hair, scars on face and neck. Served 5 years 286 days, transferred to reserve but had numerous episodes in hospital incl. bronchitis and pneumonia. He was married in Jun. 1890 in West Ham to Annie Martha Standidge but died of phthisis on Mar.13, 1891, at 14 Vincent Terrace, Islington, London. Wife Annie M. Earls, present at death.
- Fanny Earls, born about 1863, is remembered as Henry's daughter; she married Rob Maguire.
- Emily Harriet Earls, born in south Dublin on Apr.7, 1866, was registered as the daughter of Henry and Harriet.
- Lilly Earls, born in south Dublin on Feb.19, 1872, was registered as the daughter of Henry and Harriet. She died aged 14 in Dec.1885.
- John Earls was born about in 1842 in Dublin. Possibly the John Charles Earls who married in 1871 in Dublin South. John married a woman named Elizabeth about 1870. John died on May 19, 1898. The children of John and Elizabeth Earls:
- Adelaide Earls, known as Addie, was born in 1872 in Dublin South. She was married in Dec. 1898 in Dublin South to Frederick Scales. In 1901 Fred, aged 27, son-in-law, 3rd class clerk Inland Commission, and Adelaide, aged 27, daughter, lived at 235 Garville Avenue, Rathmines, County Dublin, the house of Elizabeth Earls, born in Dublin City, aged 56, widow, head of family, no occupation, her brother William and her sister Beatrice. In 1911 Adelaide, born in Dublin, aged 37, is living at 2 Brighton Road, Rathmines & Rathgar West, Dublin, with her husband, Frederick, born in Limerick, aged 37, civil servant [Note: 2nd class Clerk Irish Land Commn], one child, and her sister Beatrice Earls. They had been married 12 years and had had 2 children born alive of whom 1 was still living. Their house (2nd class) was built of brick or similar with roof of slate or similar; it had 3 windows in front and 6 rooms inhabited by 4 people. Their son:
- John Frederick Scales was born in 1902.
- William Earls was born in 1878 in Dublin City, and is listed in 1901 at his mother's house at Rathmines, aged 23, clerk (in a Chemical works).
- Beatrice Earls was born in Mar. 1885 in Dublin South. Aged 16, scholar, in 1901. Listed as aged 26, single, living with married sister Adelaide in 1911. She died in Dec. 1953 in Dublin South, aged 69.
- Charles Earls was born in 1894 in County Dublin. Aged 17, farm servant in 1911, living at 3 Whitehall, Rathfarnham, Dublin, house of Ellen Cosgrave, widow, farmer. (Note: if this is the Charles Earls, aged 8 in 1901, he was the son of George and Mary Earls, of house 11, Churchtown, Dundrum, Co Dublin.)
- Sarah Jane Earls was born on Jun.19, 1844, in Dublin and may have died as an infant since their is no family record of her.
- Thomas James Earls was born on Aug.29, 1846, in Dublin. On Dec.12, 1870, he was married in St.Andrews Parish, Dublin, to Jane O'Connor, born about 1850, the daughter of William and Jane O'Connor. They had seven children listed below. During the period 1873-78, they moved from Dublin to Belfast for three of their children were born there. They lived at 103 Vernon Street, Belfast, and Thomas worked as a tailor. By mid-1878, they had returned to Dublin.Jane Earls died on Mar.13, 1880, and is buried in Mt. Jerome Cemetery, Dublin. On Apr.28, 1882, Thomas was married in St. Peter's, Dublin to his second wife, Emily Cadden, born in 1855 in Fermanagh, the daughter of James Cadden. They probably came to know each other through family connections for the Caddens were long-time residents in Drumgarrow. Thomas and Emily had four children making a total of eleven children for Thomas. In 1901 Thomas Earls was recorded at 201 Clonliffe Road, Drumcondra, Dublin, as born in Dublin, aged 54, master tailor, Methodist, with wife Emily, born in County Fermanagh, aged 50, and six children. In the 1911 Census Thomas and Emily are living at the same addresss with three of their children and a cousin, Annie Crozin (probably Crozier). Emily died in Dublin on Feb.2, 1918; Thomas died in Dublin on Dec.15, 1929; both are buried in Mt. Jerome Cemetery, Dublin. The children of Thomas and Jane Earls:
- William Earls was born in Dublin on Sep.24, 1871. He served in the South African War with the 3rd Battalion, Imperial Yeomanry, South African Field Force, and died at Reigte Vlei on Aug.20, 1901.
- Edith Jane Earls was born in Dublin on Dec.15, 1872.
On Mar.23, 1895, in Dublin she was married to Jennins Attwooll, born Jan.3, 1862 in Weymouth, Dorset, the son of Jennins and Jane (Comben) Attwooll. Jennins had a twin brother John Neale Attwooll who married Alice Emily Hackett (a relative of Sir John Winthrop Hackett, founder of the University of Western Australia). Jennins and Jane Attwooll lived at 89 The Rise, Mount Merrion, Blackrock, County Dublin. In 1911 they were recorded at 15 Jones Road, East Side, Mountjoy, Dublin; Jennins, born in England, aged 49, sorting clerk and telegraph, GPO, Methodist; Edith Jane, born in County Dublin, aged 38. They had been married for 16 years and had 10 children, all still alive and living at home, and one servant. Their house was built of brick or similar with roof of slate or similar, had five windows to the front and 10 rooms inhabited by 13 people. Jennins Attwooll worked for the Post Office and was called up to serve in the First World War. In Dublin, he embarked with other troops and post office workers on HMS Leinster. The Leinster was torpedoed by a German U-boat in the Irish Sea on Oct.10, 1918, and Jennins was lost. On the 10th of October 1918 ... A little before nine o'clock in the morning, the RMS Leinster left Kingstown (later re-named Dun Laoghaire) on route for Holyhead. Three members of the Royal Navy manned 12 pound guns on board as a precaution. Including these three men there totalled 771 people on board. Of these, 489 were military and 180 were civilian passengers. 22 Dublin Post Office workers and 77 crew accounted for the rest. An hour into her journey, a torpedo was launched by U-boat UB-123, which just missed the Leinster. A second torpedo struck the Leinster in the area of the sorting room, and just one of the 22 workers inside would survive. Captain William Birch ... gave the order to turn the ship around and attempt to get back to Kingstown harbour. The third torpedo struck amidships in the engine room, causing devastating damage, and the ship began to sink. Survivors found themselves struggling in rough seas, and by the time rescue boats arrived 501 souls would have perished. This was the largest maritime disaster ever witnessed on the Irish Sea, with multi national loss of life, including Welsh, Irish, Scottish, English, Canadians, Americans, New Zealanders and Australians (http://www.anglesey.info/City_of_Dublin_Steam_Packet_Company.htm See also: Philip Lecane, Torpedoed! The R.M.S. Leinster Disaster. Penzance, Periscope Publishing, 2005, ISBN 1-904381-30-8.) Edith Attwooll, aged 63, housewife, of 7 Iona Road, Glaswin, Dublin, sailed with her daughter Eva on the "Empress of Britain" on Oct.21, 1936, from Southampton to Quebec, Canada. Edith died on Nov.11, 1954 in Dublin and is buried in Mt. Jerome Cemetery, Dublin. Jennins and Edith had 10 children:
Jennins and Edith Attwooll and their family
- Mildred Attwooll, born Jan.11, 1896, in Dublin. She is listed in 1911 as born in County Dublin, aged 15, scholar. She died unmarried on Jan.12, 2000.
- John Jennins Attwooll, born May 17, 1897. He is listed in 1911 as born in County Dublin, aged 15, scholar. On Sep.23, 1914, he is appointed Established Clerk to the Surveyors of Taxes after open competition. He served in France with the Irish Guards during the First World War and qualified for the Victory and British medals (Medal Card). His children:
- Robert Attwooll at 9 Jameson Street, Mosman Park, Western Australia 6012.
- Ann Attwooll died in 2003.
- Thomas Earls Attwooll, born Feb.1, 1899, in Drumcondra, Dublin. Listed in 1911 as Thomas Earle, born in County Dublin, aged 12, scholar. He was registered as a temporary Boy Clerk in the Board of Trade, 31 August 1914. He served in the Army but was not sent to France during the First World War. His Service Record is extant and shows his occupation as a civil servant, living 15 Jones Road, Dublin, when he enlisted at Dublin on Apr.1918 aged 19 years 6 months in the Inns of Court. He was of good physical development; 6ft 2 1/2 ins tall and weighed 158 lbs. He was demobilized at Oswestry and transferred to the reserve on 10 January 1919. He died on Jan.12, 1990. Thomas Earls Attwooll married Noreen (Renée) Mary Flynn in Dublin on Jun.15, 1927. She was born Jan.15, 1905, in Roscrea, Tipperary, Ireland. They had no children. She died Nov.9, 1999, in Dublin. Her ashes were placed at Mt. Jerome Cemetery on Nov.11, 1999.
- Eva Adelaide Attwooll, born Jul.19, 1900, in Dublin. She is listed in 1911 as born in County Dublin, aged 10, scholar. Eva Attwooll, music teacher, aged 28, sailed on Jun.14, 1929, from Liverpool for Quebec, Canada, on the "Duchess of York", accompanied by her sister Doreen. Eva Attwooll, born in 1908, aged 28, music teacher, of 7 Iona Road, Glaswin, Dublin, sailed with her mother Edith on the "Empress of Britain" on Oct.21, 1936, from Southampton to Quebec. She died in Vancouver, BC on Feb.12, 1989.
- Hazel Attwooll, born Dec.26, 1901, in Dublin. Listed in 1911 as born in County Dublin, aged 9, scholar. Hazel Attwooll married George Norton on Apr.27, 1943. George was born about 1897 and died in Dublin on Nov.18, 1970. Hazel died in Dublin on Jan.15, 1989.
- William Harold Attwooll, born Jan.26, 1904, in Dublin. Listed in 1911 as born in County Dublin, aged 7, scholar. William Harold Attwooll died on Jun.3, 1978, in Oxford, England where he lived the last years of his life.
- Edith Doreen Attwooll, known as Doreen, was born Aug.8, 1905. She is listed in 1911 as born in County Dublin, aged 5, scholar, cannot read. She emigrated to Canada with her sister Eva in 1929, when she was given as aged 23, clerk, on the passenger list. She married Neil Angus MacNeill of Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada, on Dec.25, 1936, in Vancouver, BC. She died on Oct.18, 1995, at White Rock, Vancouver, BC. Their children:
- Sheila Doreen MacNeill
- Marilyn Aileen MacNeill
- Helen Judith Earls MacNeill
- Bryan Thomas MacNeill currently (2002) lives in Vancouver, Canada.
- John Dennis MacNeill
- Bruce MacNeill died as an infant
- Mabel Attwooll, born in Mar. 1907 in Dublin North. She is listed in 1911 as born in County Dublin, aged 4, scholar, cannot read. Mabel Attwooll died on Jan.4, 1997, at Eastbourne, East Sussex, England.
- Hylda Attwooll was born Jul.18, 1909, in Dublin North. As Hilda, she is listed in 1911 as aged 1. Hylda Attwooll died unmarried in Bray, Wicklow, Ireland, on Dec.4, 1998.
- Charles Thrift Attwooll was born in Dublin on Nov.7, 1910. He is listed in 1911 as aged under six months. He married Evelyn Gladys Margaret Olhausen in Dublin on February 14, 1940. Gladys was born in Dublin on Oct.10, 1915, and died in Los Angeles, California on Nov.24, 1997. Charles and Gladys emigrated to Los Angeles about 1950. In 2010 Charles T. Attwooll was living in Los Angeles, aged 99. Charles died on Sep.6, 2000, at Fort Collins, Larimer County, Colorado. Their children:
- William Attwooll was born in Dublin on Nov.17, 1940, and emigrated to Los Angeles, California about 1950. He became a Civil Engineer, graduating from BYU and from Arizona State University. He worked as an engineer in California, Colorado and Wyoming. He married Linda Hunt on Jan.28, 1966, in Salt Lake City, Utah. In 2010, Bill and Linda were living in Fort Collins, Colorado.
- Hilary Attwooll
- Henry James Earls was born in Belfast on Dec.23, 1873. H.J. Earls, single male, sailed on Nov.15, 1902, on the "Gaika" (Capt. H. Strong, 3975 tons) from Southampton for the Cape. He died in Johannesburg, South Africa, on 30 June 1943.
- Theresa Adelaide Earls was born in Belfast on Sep.24, 1875. In 1901, she is listed as born in Belfast, aged 25, shop assistant, spirit merchant. On Nov.22, 1911, she married John Charles Hayes, born about 1871 in Belfast and possibly the John Hayes listed in the 1901 census at 17 Dee Street, Victoria, Belfast, as aged 31, driller, not married. Theresa died on May 5, 1965.
- Eva Laura Earls was born at 103 Vernon Street, Belfast on Jan.24, 1877. In her registration her father is listed as a tailor. She is listed in 1901 as Eva Earls, born in Belfast, shop assistant jewelry trade. In her registration her father is listed as a tailor. Eva Nora Earls, aged 33, single, clerkess, sailed on Apr.30, 1910, from Glasgow for Montreal on the "Cassandra" (Donaldson Line, Capt. John Mitchell, 5228 tons). On Apr.28, 1913, in Calgary, Canada, she married David McClure, born Jan.16, 1877, in Foyagh, Donegal, the son of Andrew and Jemima (Corr) McClure. Eva died in Edmonton, Canada, on Aug.13, 1939, and David on Mar.2, 1972, in Victoria, British Columbia. Eva and David had six children:
- David Baskin McClure was born on Apr.6, 1914, in Edmonton. On Sep.14, 1944, in Calgary, he married Mildred Penney, born in 1910 in Newfoundland. He died in Vancouver on Jan.14, 1977. They had 2 children:
- Penny Maureen McClure, born in 1947, in Vancouver.
- David James McClure, born in 1948, in Vancouver, married Sharon Christian and had 4 children:
- Angela Dawn McClure, born Mar. 1971, in Vancouver.
- David James McClure, born Aug. 1973, in Vancouver. In 2010 two D. McClures were listed in Vancouver: one at 3015 Nainamo St 101, V5N 5W6, the other at 3218 Coleridge Ave, V5S 3A5.
- Dorothy Sondra McClure, born Nov.21, 1975, in Vancouver.
- Deborah McClure, born Nov.16, 1977, in Vancouver.
- Andrew Earls McClure was born on Jan.17, 1916, in Edmonton. He died in Edmonton on Nov.25, 1920.
- Edith Mary McClure was born on Feb.26, 1917, in Edmonton. On Sep.12, 1946, in Edmonton, she married Jack Pullar Mitchell, born in 1914 in Fife, Scotland. Their children:
- Robert Jack Mitchell, born Jun.29, 1947, in Edmonton, married Helen Hope Hunter on Jul.29, 1972, in Calgary and had 3 children:
- Andrew Hunter Mitchell, born Dec.4, 1974, in Lake Cargelligo, New South Wales, Australia. He married Marissa Hahn on Oct.27, 2000, in Australia.
- Patrick Corey Mitchell, born Jun.6, 1976, in New South Wales,
- Courtenay Brooke Mitchell, born Oct.24, 1980, in Sydney, Australia.
- Joan Edith Mitchell was born on Jul.29, 1948, in Edmonton. On Jan.28, 1974, in Edmonton she married Lorence Douglas Isaman. They are wheat farmers in Consort, Alberta, Canada and have 3 children:
- Diane Joan Isaman was born Sep.10, 1974, in Consort, Alberta. On Mar.25, 2003, she married David Sandbrand in Cuba.
- Janis Maureen Isaman was born Dec.29, 1976, in Edmonton.
- David Edwin Isaman, born Feb.17, 1981, in Edmonton.
- David Bruce Mitchell, born Sep.4, 1950, in Edmonton, married Maureen Gladys Gauley on Jun.16, 1975, in Red Rock, Ontario. They had four children:
- Erin Elizabeth Mitchell, born Nov.23, 1978, in Brandon, Manitoba.
- Graeme Lloyd Mitchell, born Jun.26, 1980, in Brandon, Manitoba.
- Scott Alexander Mitchell, born Dec.13, 1982, in Brandon, Manitoba.
- Ian McClure Mitchell, born Apr.23, 1984, in Brandon, Manitoba.
- Ruth Elizabeth McClure was born on Oct.4, 1918, in Edmonton. She becames the first Dean of the Faculty of Nursing at the University of Alberta.
- Grace Evelyn McClure was born on Apr.20, 1920, in Edmonton. On Jul.15, 1942, in Toronto, she married William Arnell Smith, born in 1918 in Southhampton, England. They lived in England for a few years before returning to Canada. Grace became a well-known artist. She and Arnell had 2 children:
- Drew Arnell Smith, born May 11, 1945, in Silloth, England, first married Nelda Cox. He then married Helen Quesseth with whom he had two children:
- Suzanne Yvette Smith, born Mar.1, 1968.
- David Arnell Smith, born Nov.4, 1970.
- Avril Maureen Smith, born Apr.21, 1944, in Carlisle, England, married Reginald Hayward and had 4 children:
- Christopher Neil Hayward, born Jul.11, 1965, in Victoria, BC.
- Terry David Hayward, born Jul.11, 1965, in Victoria, BC. He has a daughter Sasha Hayward, born 1992, in Victoria.
- Reginald Martin Hayward, born Oct.17, 1966, in Victoria, BC, has two children Charles Hayward, born in 1989 in Port Hardy, BC, and James Hayward born in 1990.
- Phillip Hayward, born in 1969.
- Laura Adelyn McClure was Grace's twin sister. She moved to Victoria in 1941 and served in the Canadian Air Force from 1942-1945. On Apr.28, 1973, in Vancouver, she married Albert Cameron, born in Nova Scotia in 1895. He died in 1982 and Laura on Dec.10, 1995, in White Rock, BC.
- Ernest Earls was born in Dublin South on Apr.15, 1878. He is listed as a 22-year-old master tailor in 1901. He is recorded in 1911 at 54 Rutland Square West, Rotunda, Dublin City, as born in Dublin City, aged 33, tailor's cutter, boarder, Irish Church. He died on Jul.6, 1953.
- George or Thomas Edward Earls was born in Dublin on Aug.13, 1879, and died as an infant on Oct.10, 1879.
- Garrett Alfred Cadden Earls was born in Dublin on Jul.2, 1883, and died within a year on Apr.28, 1884.
- Arthur Carew Earls was born in Dublin on Nov.26, 1885. He is listed in 1901 as born in Dublin, aged 15, scholar. In 1911 he was listed as born in Dublin City, aged 24, clerk (paper factory), single. On Apr.9, 1914, he married Margaret Adelaide Kyle, born about 1893 in Dublin. Arthur died in May 1970.
- Ethel Emily Earls was born in Mullingar, Westmeath, on Feb.11, 1888. In 1901 she is listed as born in Mullingar, aged 13, scholar. In 1911 she is listed as born in County Westmeath, aged 23, typist (wholesale ironmongery), single. On Sep.22, 1915, she married James Robertson Campbell. Ethel died on Sep.30, 1974.
- Thomas Cadden Earls was born in Dublin on Apr.8, 1890. In 1901 he is listed as born in Dublin, aged 11, scholar. In 1911 he is listed as born in Dublin City, aged 20, clerk (NW Railway Co), single. On 30 April 1917, he married Eleanor Virginia DOWLING, born about 1896, in Dublin. Probably the Thomas C. Earls, South Irish Horse, Corps of Hussars, who served in France in the First World War. On Apr.30, 1917, he married Eleanor Virginia Dowling, born about 1896, in Dublin. Thomas died on Jun.30, 1972.
- Theresa Anne Earls, known as Tessie, was christened on Sep.24, 1848, in Saint Nicholas Within in Dublin. Another record says she was born in Fermanagh in 1848 which may also be true. About 1870, she married John Cadden, a farmer from County Fermanagh (probably from Drumgarrow) born about 1846 who was a member of the Drumgarrow Earls family. The Caddens were long-time residents in Drumgarrow, and 1863 Griffiths Valuation of County Fermanagh records both a James Cadden, Sr., and a James Cadden, Jr, in that townland. John was also the brother of Emily Cadden who became Thomas Earls second wife, and there is other evidence of a close relationship between the Earls and the Caddens. It seems likely they all met through family connections. John and Theresa's history is listed above. They had no children but raised Eileen Jameson, Theresa's sister Adelaide's girl. Theresa died in Drumgarrow on Nov.26, 1920.
- Rebecca Susan Earls, known as Rabie, was born on Dec.18, 1849, in Dublin. About 1870, she married Albert Calvert and died of sunstroke 6 months later. She was pregnant at the time.
- Adelaide Elizabeth Earls, known as Addie, was born on Mar.10, 1851, in Dublin. On Dec.17, 1873, in Dublin she married Frances Robert Jameson. In 1911 she was recorded at 24.1 Grosvenor Square, Rathmines & Rathgar West, Dublin, as aged 56, widow, Church of Ireland, with three grown up children. She had been married 26 years and had had 10 children of whom six were still living. Adelaide died in Dublin on Apr.10, 1941. Frank and Adelaide's children:
- Frank Jameson. Probably the Francis W.M. Jameson, born in Dublin City, aged 36, chemist's assistant, Roman Catholic, recorded in 1911 with his wife, Norah F. Jameson, born in Dublin City, aged 28, and two children. He was married in Sep. 1906, in Dublin South. Their children:
- John Francis Jameson, born in Dublin City, and aged 4 at 1911 census.
- Adelaide Jameson, born in Dublin City, and aged 10 months at 1911 census.
- Adelaide F. Jameson, born in 1878 in Dublin City. In the 1911 Census listed as aged 33, shop assistant, living with mother.
- Leopold John Jameson was born in 1886 and died in Jun. 1963, in Dublin South, aged 67. He married in Dec. 1908 in Dublin South.
- Reginald Jameson is said to have been raised by his aunt and uncle, Laura and Thomas Watson. However Reginald Jameson, born in 1888 in Dublin City, aged 23, railway clerk, single, was recorded living with his mother in 1911. Reginald Henry Jameson married in Jun. 1919 in Belfast to Peggy Lovell.
- Roland Jameson, born in Dublin City, aged 23, insurance clerk, single, was recorded living with his mother in 1911.
- Henrica Emmeline Jameson was married in Jun. 1909 in Dublin South to Samuel Grundy.
- Ada Agnes Jameson was married in Jun. 1901 in Dublin South to a man named O'Grady.
- Eileen Jameson was born about 1854 in Dublin. She was raised in Drumgarrow by her aunt and uncle, Theresa and John Cadden. She is listed in the 1901 Census as a 17-year-old living with John and Theresa in Drumgarrow. She married Samuel Crawford Little in Sep. 1911 in Dublin South.
- Ellen Laura Earls was born on Apr.20, 1852, in Dublin. About 1886 in Dublin she married Thomas Watson, the brother of her brother William's wife, Agnes. They had no children but raised her sister Adelaide's boy Reginald Jameson. In 1911 Laura, born in Dublin City, aged 50, Church of Ireland, was recorded at 54 Grove Park, Rathmines & Rathgar West, Dublin, with husband Thomas Watson, head of family, born in Dublin City, aged 52, marine engineer. They had been married 25 years and had had no children. They had four boarders, only two of whom appear to have been in the house on the night of Apr.2, 1911, and one servant.
- William Berger Weiblenger Earls was born on Apr.21, 1854, at Harold's Cross, Dublin. About 1881 in Dublin, William married Agnes Watson the sister of his Sister Laura's husband. In 1911 Agnes, born in Dublin City in 1856, aged 59, married, maternity nurse, is living at 9.2 Mountpleasant Square, Rathmines & Rathgar East, Dublin, with two grown-up daughters. She had been married 29 years and had had five children all still living. William died in Dec.1920. William and Agnes's children:
- Olive Georgina Watson Earls, born in Jun. 1882 in Dublin South, first married a man named Kempson. Her second husband was Albert Johnson.
- Leah Wilhelmina Earls was born Nov.22, 1883, in Dublin. In 1911 Leah, born in County Dublin in 1886 (sic), single, draper's clerk is living with her mother.
- Laura Agnes Earls was born May 9, 1885, in Dublin South.
- Reuben Calvert Earls was born in Sep. 1886 in Dublin South.
- Aileen Isabella Earls was born Oct.27, 1887, in Dublin. In 1911 Bella, born in Dublin County in 1890 (sic), a draper's clerk, is living with her mother.
- Rebecca Earls (1824-1916) did not marry. She is listed in the 1901 Census as a 75-year-old unmarried Methodist housekeeper (born 1826) living in Drumgarrow with her nephew John Cadden, his wife Theresa and his neice Eileen Jameson. Similarly in the 1911 Census she is listed as a 87-year-old aunt and "vest maker" living in Drumgarrow with John and Theresa Cadden. Rebecca's death in Dec. 1916, aged 92, in Enniskillen was registered by John Cadden.
- daughter Earls married John Cadden (either born 1810 and died in March 1885 in Enniskillen or born in 1815 and died in June 1881 in Enniskillen aged 66). Their son:
- John Cadden was born about 1850 (1911 Census) and married a relative, Theresa Earls born about 1850 in Dublin (see below). Theresa's family is described above as part of the Drumgarrow Earls family. In the 1901 Census John and Theresa Cadden are listed as residing in house #1 in Drumgarrow. He is listed as 50-year-old farmer belonging to the Church of Ireland. Teresa is listed as 48 years old, born in Dublin. Living with them are aunt Rebecca Earls, aged 75, and a neice Eileen Jameson, aged 17 and born in Dublin, who is listed in the Dublin/Drumgarrow family below. John and Theresa had no children but raised Eileen Jameson, Teresa's sister Adelaide's daughter. In the 1911 Census 61-year-old farmer John Cadden and 61-year-old Theresa are listed as living in Drumgarrow. John died in September 1911 in Enniskillen aged 68. Theresa died in Drumgarrow on Nov.26, 1920.
- Emily Cadden was born in 1855 in Fermanagh and when they were married in Dublin South in June 1882, became the second wife of Theresa Earls' brother, Thomas Earls (see next family) .
- Thomas Earls (1814-1878), born Mar.20, 1814, in Enniskillen, became a tailor. Either he or his father may be the Thomas Earls (tailor) who is listed in the 1850-55 Griffiths Valuation as holding 3acres 2r 5p of land worth £2 15s in the townland of Aughaward. Though there is no house on that land, a Thomas Earls also held land (8acres 3r 30p, value £7 15s) with a house (worth 15 shillings) in the neighbouring townland of Drumgarrow. Thomas Earls was married on Oct.31, 1836, at All Souls, Langham Place, Marylebone, London, [next to where Broadcasting House now stands], to Catherine O'Leary, born Feb.25, 1814, at Queenstown [now Cobh, County Cork]. Their many travels are then partially followed by the birthplaces of their children. They lived in Dublin in 1837 and 1839, in London in 1841 and 1843, in Enniskillen in 1845 and 1848, in Nottingham in 1850. Thomas Earls signed the William Smith O'Brien Petition in Enniskillen in 1848-49. In 1851 a Th. Earls is listed in the Dublin City Census Extract living at 102 Capel Street, St Mary's. They then emigrated to Australia, Catherine and four of the children sailing as assisted British immigrants on the steam ship Black Eagle from Liverpool on Jul.16, 1854, arriving in Melbourne, Australia, on Oct.19, 1854. There they lived in the suburb of St. Kilda, where Thomas plied his trade as a tailor. At that time, the streets in St. Kilda had not been named and the story is that when Thomas learnt that his friend had been killed at the Battle of Alma (the charge of the Light Brigade) in 1854 during the Crimean War he painted Alma on his house and the street thus acquired that name. There is an Alma Street in the 1865 Sands & McDougall directory, but by then Thomas Earls, tailor, is listed at 160 High Street, St Kilda, between Inkerman-street West and Blanche Street. Thomas Earls, master tailor, of Coburg, Victoria, died on Jan.6, 1878, and his will was probated to Catherine Earls and John W. Massey. She is doubtless the Catherine Earls who is listed in the 1880 Sands directory at Inkerman Street, St Kilda. (Betty Jeffrey of 4427 Melba Highway, Glenburn 3717, Victoria, Australia provided the information on much of the family that follows.) The children of Thomas and Catherine Earls:
- Elizabeth (Eliza) Earls was born in Talbot Street, Dublin, on Nov.30, 1837. She became a schoolteacher and emigrated in 1854 with her family to Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. On Jun.13, 1859, Eliza Earls, aged 21, a teacher born in Dublin, was married "in the private house of Mrs Earls, St Kilda", to James Knox, born in Belleek, County Fermanagh, aged 26, a ship chandler and grocer. James was the son of William Knox, grocer, and Isabella Knox. Eliza's residence was given as St Kilda and James' as Williamstown. We note that James Knox (born 1834) of Magheriahkilmoey, County Fermanagh, arrived in Australia on the Kate on Dec.4, 1855. He is listed in the 1856 electoral roll for St Kilda as James Knox, Alma Road, slater, freehold Alma Road. The Knox family were shopkeepers in Belleek. In 1880 the shop was in the hands of W. Knox, postmaster and general dealer. In 1996 it still existed with a Knox descendant still in possession; however it was in poor condition because of damage both from an IRA bomb and a tenant who tried to burn it down. James Knox's brothers, William, Henry and John also emigrated to Australia. In Victoria, James became a JP and Eliza became the first registered female school teacher when in 1872 the colonial government legislated to make primary education both free and compulsory. Doubtless the James Knox, grocer and wine and spirit merchant, listed at High Street, St Kilda, in 1865 (between Inkerman Street East and Martin Street.) Possibly the same James Knox was living in 1880 at Gatehouse-street, Parkville, Carlton (adjoins Flemington-road, North side). Eliza and James had four children:
- female Knox, daughter of James Knox and Eliza Earls, was born in 1860, in St Kilda.
- William Knox, son of James Knox and Eliza Earls, was born in 1861 in St Kilda.
- A younger son who had a son, possibly the Charles William Knox, signalman, listed at 131 Dundas Street, Preston, Victoria (Batman), in 1936, with Lily May Knox, home duties.
- A younger son who had a son, Rex Knox. Rex married Margaret. Margaret Knox lived in Sydney in 2001 and is in possession of the family bible that records much of the family history. In 1952 Rex Knox became Campbell Addison's partner, and the name of the law firm was changed to Addison & Knox. The name of the firm was changed to 'Addisons' when Rex Knox retired in 1977 (http://www.addisonslawyers.com.au/approach/history.cfm).
- Thomas Knox, son of James Knox and Eliza Earls was born in 1864 in St Kilda.
- Robert Stephen Knox, son of James Knox and Eliza Earls, born 1867, St Kilda, married Lucy Cogle. This is doubtless the railway employee of that name, living in 1909 at 137 Buckley Street, Footscray, Maribyrnong, Victoria, with wife Lucy Elizabeth Knox, home duties. In 1914, 1919 and 1924 both were living at Mernda, Whittlesea, Corio. In 1931 Robert was the stationmaster at Thomastown, with Lucy; a Winfred Jessie Knox, clerk, is also listed. In 1936 Robert, no occupation, and Lucy lived at 27 McCartney street, Preston; Ethel May Knox, nurse, is listed at the same address. They had a daughter:
- Dorothy Elizabeth Knox married Thomas Jeffrey. In 1924 Dorothy Elizabeth Jeffrey, home duties, is listed at [Rockbank], Mernda, Victoria, with John Thomas Jeffrey, farmer, and they were still there in 1936. Dorothy and Thomas had a son:
- John Raymond "Ray" Jeffrey married Betty Watts. Their family history was constructed by Betty Jeffrey and reported to me in 2001. Probably the Jeffrey family listed by Telstra in 2008 at Highwood, Glenburn, Victoria 3737. Ray and Betty had three children:
- Meredith Jeffrey who married Paul Williamson.
- Lester Jeffrey
- Fraser Jeffrey married Rosemary Storey. They had two children, Michelle Jeffrey born about 1988 and Stacey Jeffrey born about 1990.
- James Frederick Knox, clerk, listed at Thomastown, Broadmeadows, Corio, Victoria, in 1931. Listed at 12 Pratt Street, Preston (Batman) in 1936, clerk, with Myrtle Lavinia Knox, labourer.
- Winifred Jessie Knox, clerk, listed at Thomastown, Broadmeadows, Corio, Victoria, in 1931.
- Sarah Jane Earls was born Oct.13, 1839, reputedly in Anglesey Street, Dublin. She emigrated with her parents to Melbourne, Australia, in 1854 at the age of 14. Sarah Jane Earls, born Dublin, Ireland, aged 23, spinster, daughter of Thomas Earls, tailor, and Catharine O'Leary, married on Jul.29, 1863, in the Wesleyan Church, St Kilda, to James Fisher, born in Montreal, Canada, aged 25, Government Officer, son of Alexander Fisher and Caroline Lemon (?). Witnesses: Thomas Earls and John Knox. Sarah Jane Fisher is listed in AER in 1903 at Enfield Street, St Kilda, St Kilda West Victoria (Southern Melbourne), home duties; also listed at Enfield Street are Marion Fisher, home duties, and Maud Fisher, boardinghouse-keeper. They had six children:
- James Thomas Fisher, son of James Fisher and Sarah Jane Earls, was born in 1864 in Victoria. Possibly the James Thomas Fisher first listed in AER in 1916 at Wickepin, Williams, Western Australia with Edith Georgina Fisher. James Thomas listed at Four Mile, East Wickepin, Williams in 1925; Edith Georgina at Wickepin.
- female [?Marion] Fisher, daughter of James Fisher and Sarah Jane Earls, was born in 1865.
- Sarah Elizabeth Fisher, daughter of James Fisher and Sarah Jane Earls, was born in 1867. In 1903 a Sarah Elizabeth Fisher is listed in AER as home duties, Cobram, Victoria (Moira).
- Florence Fisher, daughter of James Fisher and Sarah Jane Earls, was born in 1872.
- Agnes Maude Fisher, daughter of James Fisher and Sarah Jane Earls, was born in 1874.
- Grace Mildred Fisher, daughter of James Fisher and Sarah Jane Earls, was born in 1883.
- Thomas Earls was born on Nov.14, 1843, at Finsbury Pavement, London. He emigrated with his parents to Melbourne, Australia, in 1854 at the age of 10. He is said to have become a tailor like his father. However he is doubtless the Thomas Earls, aged 24, of Enniskillen, who was an ordinary seaman aboard the "Gem of Melbourne" (Thomas Norcliffe, master: 99 tons) who sailed from the South Sea Islands to Sydney, NSW, on Sep.3, 1868 (Mariners & Ships in Australian Waters). Possibly the Thomas Earls, labourer, listed at Tongio West, Gippsland, Victoria, in 1903, and Paynesville, Bairnsdale, in 1914.
- Rebecca Earls was born on May 10, 1845, in Enniskillen and died on 18 May of the same year.
- William Hugh Earls was born on Oct.15, 1848, in Enniskillen. He probably died young, as he did not accompany his family to Australia
- Katherine (or Catherine) Margaret Rebecca Earls was born on Jul.14, 1850, in Park Square, Nottingham. She accompanied he family to Australia in 1854 at the age of six. Kate Margaret Rebecca Earls, born in Nottingham, England, aged 23, of Coburg, daughter of Thomas Earls, tailor, and Catherine McLeary married by licence on Jun.11, 1874, in St Mark's Church, Fitzroy (Church of England), to John William Massey, born in Birmingham, England, aged 44, widower (three children by former marriage all dead), inn keeper, usual residence Maddon, son of John David Massey, gentleman, and Sarah Swift. Kate Massey, music teacher, is listed in AER in 1903 at Sydney Road, Coburg, Victoria (Bourke). They had six children:
- Gerald Earls Massey was born in 1875. In 1914 Gerald Earls Massey was listed in AER as journalist, 142 King Street, Melbourne, Victoria (Lonsdale). In 1931 listed as clerk, 45 Fitzgerald Street, Fawkner, Victoria (South Yarra).
- John Swift Massey was born in 1877. In 1903 John Swift Massey was listed in AER as civil servant, Sydney Road, Coburg, Victoria (Bourke) with Geraldine (?) Massey, educationist, Kate Massey, music teacher, and Kate Maud Massey, home duties.
- Kate Maude Massey was born in 1880. Listed in AER in 1903 at Sydney Road, Coburg, Victoria (Bourke), home duties.
- Arthur Germain Massey was born in 1882. In 1930 Arthur Germaine Massey was listed in AER as silversmith, Liberty Street, Belmore, New South Wales (Reid)
- Oswald Massey was born in 1885.
- Evelyn Fanny Massey was born in 1885.
- Mary Anne Earls (1821-1892) did not marry. Her death aged 71 in June of 1892 was registered by Theresa Cadden.
- Hugh Earls was born in 1815? in Enniskillen, County Fermanagh, and died in Philadelphia, PA, USA. Possibly the Hugh Earls, born in 1805, aged 31, who arrived in New York from Liverpool on the Henry Kneeland on Sep.13, 1836. Probably the Hugh Earls, born in 1815, who died in Philadelphia, PA, on Jun.14, 1847, aged 31 years.
- Robert Earls was born in 1810 in Enniskillen, County Fermanagh, and married Sarah Alicia Hogg in Sep. 1839. They had seven children. She was born in 1811 and died in Belfast in 1874 aged 63. Robert died on Aug.25, 1884, in Clapham Place, Wandsworth, London, aged 74 and was buried in West Norwood Cemetery. (Information on descendants from http://cozensweb.co.uk/genealogy/individual.php?pid=I1892&ged=COZENS.GED). Of the Hoggs RTW's great grandmother wrote, "I did not know much of my mother's family. She was of a better class, and disowned when she married my father. Her name before marriage was Kartland." (archiver.rootsweb.com/th/read/NorthernIrelandGenWeb/1999-12/0946401190). Robert and Sarah Alicia Earls had seven children:
- William James Earls born was on Aug.24, 1840, and died aged 28 in 1868, Ballarat, Victoria, Australia.
- Elizabeth Earls was born in 1841 and died about 1844.
- Rebecca Janis (Jennie) Alice Earls was born on Jan.16, 1845, in Ireland, and spent her early life in Dublin. She was aged 25 when she married, on Jun.8, 1870, John Aicken Carleton, born on May 21, 1848, in Cromac Street, Belfast, Co Antrim, one of the founders of the Salvation Army and later a Commissioner. Jennie A. Carleton died on Aug.29, 1915, in Margate, Kent, and was buried at Penge. They had six children. Commissioner John Carleton died aged 86 on Jun.21, 1934, in Greta Nursing Home, Blyth Road, Bromley, Kent, and was buried in Elmer's End Cemetery. Their children:
- Robert Ernest Earls Carleton was born on Aug.25, 1871, at 25 Ormeau Street, Belfast, Ireland, and died aged 82 in 1952 at Burgess Hill, Sussex. On Sep.18, 1895, he was married in Penge, London, to Kathleen Agnes Barrington, born in 1870. Kathleen Barrington is recorded in the 1891 census as born in 1871 in Cork, Ireland, aged 20, unmarried, visitor at the home of Susie F. Swift, Salvation Army Officer, 18 Montrave Road, Penge, London. They had two children. She died in June 1900, in Edmonton aged 29. After her death he married in September 1914 in Lambeth, Grace Georgina Watney, born Sep.3, 1884. They were living at Greta, Blyth Road, Bromley, Kent in 1918 and had one child, still living. Grace Carleton died October 1984 in Hastings aged 100. The children:
- Kevin O'Neil Carleton was born in Sep. 1896 in Lurline, Belmont Road, Ramsgate, Kent. He was living in Falkenham, Nutfield Road, S Mertsham, Surrey, when he enlisted in the London Regiment before 1916 (record illegible). He was transferred to the Machine Gun Corps on Sep.29, 1916 and posted to the British Expeditionary Force on Jan.29, 1917. Gunner Carleton, K.O, Machine Gun Corps, died of a shell wound to the thigh on Apr.29, 1918, in Poperinghe, Flanders, Belgium, aged 22. He is buried in Mendinghem Military Cemetery.
- Lilian Grace Carleton was born in Jun. 1900, in Tottenham, London.
- Mary Carleton was born after 1914 and before 1918.
- Edith Constance Carleton was born on Jul.13, 1873, on Falls Road, Belfast, and died on Feb.26, 1952, aged 78. She married Colonel Thomas Lewis, Salvation Army, born May 26, 1871, in Llwynbedw, Llangadock, Carmarthen, Wales, and died Jun.19, 1951, in Beckenham, Kent, aged 80. In the 1901 census Thomas Lewis, head, is 29, living at 64 Birkbeck Road, Beckenham, Kent, with wife Edith C. Lewis, aged 27, two children and a general domestic servant. They had eight children in all, two still living.
- John Aickin Carleton Lewis, born Mar.25, 1898, in Penge, London. Aged 3, listed with parents in 1901. He died Jun.4, 1918, in Stamford, Lincolnshire, aged 20.
- Herbert William Thomas Lewis was born on Sep.12, 1899, in Beckenham, Kent. Aged 1 at 1901 census. He died in Canada.
- Kathleen Eleanor Lewis was born on Apr.27, 1901, in Beckenham, Kent, and died on Feb.8, 1996, in Bournemouth, Dorset.
- Edith Gwendolen Lewis was born on Jul.3, 1902.
- Honorah Constance Lewis was born on Jun.28, 1903, and died on Jul.28, 1929, aged 26.
- Madeline Marguerite Lewis was born on Jul.13, 1905, in South London, and died on Jul.15, 2000, in Worthing, Sussex, aged 95. She married on Dec.22, 1928, Stanley Wilfred Heward, born on Dec.6, 1900, at 42 Barnwell Road, Brixton, and died on Jan.28, 1943, aged 43. They had two children both still living.
- William MacNeill (Willie) Carleton was born on Aug.30, 1874, on Falls Road, Belfast. He married on Jun.7, 1899, aged 24, in the Penge Citadel, Penge, Geraldine Onslow. Aged 26, Salvation Army Officer, living at 213 Birkbeck Road, Beckenham, Kent, in 1901 with his wife Geraldine, born in Tunbridge Wells, Kent, aged 27, Salvation Army Officer, and one son. Mr and Mrs W.M. Carleton and Master Carleton sailed from Southampton on Feb.1, 1902, for South Africa on the "Gascon"; desination Durban (Port Natal). Rev. W.M. and Mrs Carleton, with three children, sailed from Southampton on Feb.22, 1908, on the "Kildonan Castle", for South Africa: destination Cape. Rev. W.M. Carleton sailed on his own from Southampton on Sep.10, 1910, on the "Kilfauns Castle", for South Africa: destination Cape. He died at sea about Oct.4, 1918, aged 44, with his son Christopher on board the Japanese registered "Hirano Maru" which was torpedoed by a German vessel off the Pembrokeshire coast. They had five children, two still living:
- Denzil Carleton was born Jun.23, 1900, in Poplar, London. Denzil Carleton was aged 6 months in the 1901 census. He married Helen ?, born in 1895.
- Clare Onslow Carleton was born on Jul.19, 1903, in Durban, Natal, South Africa. She married Arthur Houston, born 1898. They had one child.
- Christopher John Carleton was born on Nov.15, 1907, and died at sea about Oct.4, 1918, aged 10, with his father William, when the "Hirano Maru", a Japanese liner of about 7,700 tons, was torpedoed and sunk off the Pembrokeshire coast by the German U-boat U-91. Of about 320 persons on board, 200 passengers and a crew of 120, only 29 were saved.
- Herbert Goodwin (Bertie) Carleton was born on May 13, 1877, in Ligoniel, Belfast, and died on Aug.19, 1924, in Victoria, BC, Canada, aged 47. He married on Apr.19, 1910, in Hayes, Kent, Edna Katherine Foster, born on May 28, 1899, in Goole, Yorkshire, and died May 30, 1984, in Vancouver, BC, Canada, aged 95. They had four children, one still living.
- Edna Audrey Carleton was born on Jul.17, 1911, in Beckenham, Kent, and died on Jun.20, 1999, in Vancouver, BC, aged 87. She married Thomas Stanley Wright, born in 1913, in Vernon, BC, and died in 1999, aged 86. They had three children.
- Muriel Olive Carleton was born on Apr.28, 1913, in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, and died on Jan.4, 1993, in Vancouver, BC, Canada, aged 79, unmarried.
- Dorothy May Carleton was born on Apr.12, 1918, in Plymouth, Devon, and died on Apr.16, 1982, in Lions Gate Hospital, Vancouver, BC, aged 64, unmarried.
- Kathleen Nettie Carleton was born on Sep.12, 1879, in Ligoniel, Belfast.
- Madeline Hughes Carleton died on Feb.6, 1961, aged 76, in Earlsville, Penge, London.
- Ellen Kate Earls was born on Feb.20, 1847.
- Robert Cadden Earls was born on Jan.15, 1849, and died aged 14 on Mar.21, 1863.
- Sarah Earls was born about 1851 and died on May 9, 1874.
- Robert Earls was born about 1853 and died on Aug.25, 1874, in Clapham Place, Wandsworth, London.
John Earls, born about 1740, may have been a brother of Henry Earls. In 1796 John Earls (38) of Aughaward held land at Aughaward value 40 shillings registered Jul.14, 1796. Given that they are listed together at Aughaward in the Poll Book, the second John (below) seems likely to have been son of this, the first John Earls, which would suggest a birth date of about 1740. His son:
- John Earls, born in 1763. Beside the tombstone of Henry Earls stands that of John Earls (1763-1834). As it is a separate monument we cannot assume he is a son of Henry. He is probably the younger of two John Earls of Aughaward listed in 1788 in the Poll Book for County Fermanagh as holding land at Aughaward, as his son could not have been old enough at the time. John Earls was born in 1763 in the parish of Enniskillen and enlisted for the recruiting staff of the Northern Recruiting District on Feb.10, 1807 at the age of 44 years. He served in the Army until Dec.24, 1825 (18 years 318 days) when he was discharged at the rank of Staff Sergeant on the grounds of asthma and being worn out. Previously he had served in the Fermanagh Militia for eight years and ten months (1798-1807). "He is about sixty-two years of age , is five feet eleven inches in height, grey hair grey eyes fresh complexion and is by trade a laborer" (Chelsea). Doubtless the John Earls, Enniskillen, the only one of the name to occur in the 1796 Flax Growers Bounty List. His son:
- John Earls, the third of this name, was born in 1788. As he too was a member of the Fermanagh Militia, he is probably the son of John Earls born in 1763. This third John Earls, born in 1788 in the parish of Enniskillen, enlisted aged 17 on Dec.15, 1805, for unlimited service in the Fermanagh Regiment of Militia. He served as a private soldier until Dec.24, 1814, when he was promoted to corporal and served, with a brief interval as a trumpeter or drummer, until Jun.24, 1829 (22 years 192 days), when he was discharged on reduction and being worn out (suffered from opthalmia). His conduct was unexceptionable. "He is about 40 Years of Age, is 5 Feet 7½ Inches in height, Brown Hair, Grey Eyes, Swarthy Complexion and is a weaver by trade" (Chelsea).
- William Earls of Aughaward also held land at Aughaward in 1788 according to the Poll Book for County Fermanagh.
There are a number of other Earls families in County Fermanagh which are most likely related to our family but for which we have yet to discover a connection. Some of these lived in the neighbourhood of Enniskillen and some in a region just south of Belleek. This diaspora may have been due to the fact that tenant farmers in those days were often moved around by their landlords and harshly treated. In this case the landlords were the Marquises of Ely and the Coles of Enniskillen.
Christopher E. Brennen