Bubbly Cavitating Flow

Cavitating bubble growth and collapse in flow around a headform. First high speed movies of bubble cavitation by Knapp.


Bubble cavitation on a hydrofoil (Eisenberg).


Bubble cavitation on a hydrofoil (Eisenberg).


Bubble cavitation on a headform in the Large Cavitation Channel (LCC) (Kuhn de Chizelle et al. (1992)). A series of still photographs demonstrating the variety in indivual cavitation events.


Attached cavitation on a hydrofoil (Gindroz). High spped movie.


Cavitating Vortices

Singing cavitating tip vortex on a hydrofoil (Arndt).


Singing cavitating tip vortex on a hydrofoil (Arndt).


Oscillating cavitation on a propeller in a water tunnel. High speed movie by Duttweiler.


Cavitating propeller. Strobe lighting tied to propeller rotation. (David Taylor Model Basin).


Cavitating propeller. Strobe lighting tied to propeller rotation. (David Taylor Model Basin).


Cavitating free shear layer (Katz and O'Hern, high spped movie).


Cavitating free shear layer (Katz and O'Hern, high spped movie).


Cloud Cavitation

Cloud cavitation on an oscillating hydrofoil (Reisman, high spped movie).


Cloud cavitation on an oscillating hydrofoil (Reisman, high spped movie).


Cloud cavitation on an oscillating hydrofoil (Reisman, individual frames from a high speed movie).


Cloud cavitation on an oscillating hydrofoil (Reisman, individual frames from a high speed movie).


Attached cavitation on a hydrofoil (Gindroz, high speed movie).


Cloud cavitation on an oscillating hydrofoil (Franc and Michel, high speed movie).


Cloud cavitation on an oscillating hydrofoil (Franc and Michel, high speed movie).


Cloud cavitation on an oscillating hydrofoil (Hart, high speed movie).


Cavitation on an artiifiical heart valve viewed from downstream (high speed movie).


Cloud cavitation on a propeller blade with damage visualization (Bark, high speed movie).


Cloud cavitation in a pump impeller with damage visualization (Soyama, strobe lighting synched to impeller rotation).


Attached Cavitation

Overview of Ventilated Cavity behind a 3in. sphere at a tunnel speed of 15 ft/s (Brennen).


Close-up of Ventilated Cavity behind a 3in. sphere at a tunnel speed of 15 ft/s (Brennen).


Ventilated Cavity behind a 3in. sphere at a tunnel speed of 15 ft/s (Brennen).


Ventilated Cavity behind a Cut-off 3in. sphere at a tunnel speed of 12 ft/s (Brennen).


Ventilated Cavity behind a Cut-off 3in. sphere at a tunnel speed of 17 ft/s (Brennen).


Ventilated Cavity behind a 0.25in. sphere in water at a tunnel speed of 13.2 ft/s (Brennen).


Ventilated Cavity behind a 0.25in. sphere in water at a tunnel speed of 19.4 ft/s (Brennen).


Ventilated Cavity behind a 0.25in. sphere in water at a tunnel speed of 24.8 ft/s (Brennen).


Ventilated Cavity behind a 0.25in. sphere in 50ppm Polyox Solution at a tunnel speed of 9.8 ft/s (Brennen).


Last updated 4/9/04.
Christopher E. Brennen